Mad- scientist
Honestly no joke I'm going to watch a Zyzz video right now just for shits and giggles. You have successfully entertained me for the next 10 minutes.
I'm 18 (save it) and have been lifting for about a year now. I'm about to go on my first cycle and was looking to ensure I have everything in order. I've done tons of research and think I've got it down. I have everything here and ready except the Clomid, but that can wait for now.
Here it is:
Weeks 1-14 500mg/week of Test-E. 250mg on Monday, 250mg on Thursday.
Weeks 1-14 .25mg Arimidex EOD from the start. If any symptoms of high estrogen, increase to .5mg EOD and go back to .25 when they subside.
Weeks 14-16 Stop everything
Weeks 16-20 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Weeks 16-20 Probably going to buy Clomid sometime mid cycle for 100/100/50/50.
Diet (won't do this until week 6, when the test kicks in)
-4000 calories a day
-260g protein
The only thing I'm unsure of is the use of Arimidex from the start of the cycle. Some people have said that could result in too low of estrogen, which is bad. Some people have also said that it's better to wait until you get high est symptoms first before taking an AI. Thoughts on that?
Zyzz on the left is what OP looks like now,, and he thinks by doing gear he will look like the Zyzz on the right.. And he, like zyzz, is willing to sell his soul/health to the devil to do it.
Statements like - I don't care if I'm 18 and will be on TRT for the rest of my life, prove it.. really, you wanna have to live near a hospital for the rest of your life cause you'll have to go get hooked up to a machine for 2 hours at a time so they can remove your excess red blood cells so that you don't kill over dead of a stroke or heart attack.
FYI-- the real natural peak of a mans life comes in his mid 30s,, you wanna spend it in bad health, alone, with no wife, no kids and no friends cause you sold yourself out as a punk 18 year old kid
I don't know even know to reply to this teenager. Kid, please do more research. There are far more risks than just growth plates fusing and being on TrT. And the red blood cell thing is real. Ask anyone here, they have to donate blood on the regular to lower their RBC and pletelet count. You will have to do that the rest of your life. Oh and red blood cell and platelets can't be done at once that's two separate appointments, and platelets take close to an hour and a half. You have to get this done regularly. Well you don't have to, but it's a good idea so you won't have a stroke or heart attack and drop dead in the middle of the gym while doing your 3rd set. Or worse, wake up with half your body paralyzed from the stroke.Please back up everything you said about red blood cells because to be honest that's a bunch of crap and the only proven risks of starting at 18 are the two things I mentioned above. Everything else is pure speculation with no basis.
I don't know even know to reply to this teenager. Kid, please do more research. There are far more risks than just growth plates fusing and being on TrT. And the red blood cell thing is real. Ask anyone here, they have to donate blood on the regular to lower their RBC and pletelet count. You will have to do that the rest of your life. Oh and red blood cell and platelets can't be done at once that's two separate appointments, and platelets take close to an hour and a half. You have to get this done regularly. Well you don't have to, but it's a good idea so you won't have a stroke or heart attack and drop dead in the middle of the gym while doing your 3rd set. Or worse, wake up with half your body paralyzed from the stroke.
And your statement overall clearly shows you have not got 1 clue about bloodwork(what do you think it's for!!!).
Also there are people here who have had heart attacks from high RBC or platelet count, how the fuck are you going to demand "proof"? Google it, and stop being a lazy douche.
What are your stats? Height? Weight? Body fat %?
How much do you bench, squat and deadlift?
6'3" 175, but pretty lean. Probably 10-13%.
Bench : 225
Squat: Never max squatted, but can do 205 5x5.
Deadlift: 295 (pretty old though, definitely higher)
You don't need AAS, you need to learn how to use a fork. AAS won't make you grow if you can't eat properly.
Being on AAS would motivate me to eat more since I'd want to be making the most out of it.
That's a risk factor for everyone, not just teens. I see fucking kids who are 22 and have been blasting and cruising on tren for 4 years and obviously they're still alive and in good health. There is no difference in RBC risk factors for an 18 year old compared to a 25.
So many people have started at 18 or even younger. Tons of people I've talked to. Even Arnold started at 15.
I already have my pre cycle blood work so I can compare it with my post cycle blood work and see if I make a recovery.
The reality of the situation is i will be doing 500mg of test e a week. One cycle for now. Do you REALLY think that such a small thing will cause such catastrophic harm for the rest of my life? Probably not. Probably fucking not.
You do understand that at a young age, you can abuse the shit out of your body and feel fine right? Seriously, I have the same guys at my gym too who blast all year round. And they also do coke, ecstasy and drink lot of alcohol on the weekends. Just because they "look" healthy does not mean they are. Do you know exactly what is happening to their bodies? Are you their doctor and can see their kidney, liver and heart function??? Shoot people at 22 who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day look healthy as well, I guess cigarettes cause no big deal harm either. Truth is, these guys you see that blast tren at a young age(and probably do not have a damn clue what they are doing) are going to start dropping dead like flies once they hit 40. if not dead, the hospital will become a 2nd home to them for the rest of their lives(which probably will be in the early 60's)
And Arnold has the genetics of a god. Chances of you and him having the same genetics when it comes to gear is very unlikely.
But go ahead kid, screw your life away. It's not my job to save some douche bag know it all teenager. It seems like you have all figured out so why you asking us? Oh and you might want to add HcG into your cycle if you want any chance of having kids one day.
You were right and I was wrong, sorry for my stubborn ass. I just wanted a bodybuilder physique NOW instead of 7 years from now when it won't fucking matter since I won't be in uni.
But good talk.