if you are using 300 sust total a week ( why would you i don't think it's gonna do anything for you if you run that alone ) pin only once per week all the 300 mlg toghter, in one or more shots, depends on the amount of pip tollerance you have. i pin 400 mlgs of primo plus another 160 mlg of winny in my quad in a single shot every week and feel almost nothing ( i also pin the other quad with sust at 250 ) feel even less, but i hear this is very subjective.
if instead you plan on pinning 300 mlg of sust EVERYDAY for the entire week, well that is fucking crazy and you should never do that. i don't think even ronnie coleman use that mutch test per week man.
also sust already contain cyp. to add it again after you used sust is meaningles. sust is made by different time acting easters short,medium and long ranged to give you the best coverage you can have by pinnig test once a week only ( all the benefits of both short and long term acting esters of test ) it's something used mainly as base for other stuff,both short and long esters componuds you need to pin separately from test,for people who don't like to pin a gazillion times a week