first cycle of testosterone enthanate

The only advice that should be given to you is to not run any gear. 20 is waaaay too young, at that age your test level are so high you can build a lot of muscle naturally, its you body but i will tell you at your age you have a very good chance of causing permanent damage to your hormonal system as well as you brain. I would never advise someone at 20 to run any gear.
Well I think it's too late for that now and also I don't plan to go for a second cycle I just wanted to try it just out of curiosity to see where I'd reach and based on what I know everything will go back to normal once I finish my pct or was I misinformed on that too?
What's your definition of research because mine is internet and in the end any information I get whether it was from you or any other person could and could not be true
Well I think it's too late for that now and also I don't plan to go for a second cycle I just wanted to try it just out of curiosity to see where I'd reach and based on what I know everything will go back to normal once I finish my pct or was I misinformed on that too?

I would get post cycle bloodwork done to make sure your HPTA is functioning properly, that is the only way to tell if your properly recovered, its a guessing game otherwise.
What's your definition of research because mine is internet and in the end any information I get whether it was from you or any other person could and could not be true

Im just trying to steer you in the right direction my friend, no negativity whatsoever so don't think I mean anything I say in a bad way. Ya the internet is good, and this site is good, lots of threads and articles that cover a million different things, sometimes even a simple google search can lead you in a good direction, don't always go for peoples opinions though, even though theres lots of smart guys out there, try to dig up factual information too.
I don't believe me I appreciate your help really but I am taking a low dose of test and I hope I won't face any permanent problems because of it could you tell me what what would be best to do to properly recover after I finish my cycle.... or do you want me to do research as well :p
Haha, well this should have been something you should have had in order before you started, but you will need proper PCT otherwise you will not recover properly, even a low dose of Test will shut you down. On day 15 after you last shot is when you start PCT, and it consists of Clomid and Nolvadex, there are a couple other methods ive heard talked about but I don't know enough about them or even if they do in fact work, but Clomid/Nolvadex is tried and true. Run both for a 4 week course......

Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolvadex 40/40/40/40

Numbers are in Mgs
What's your definition of research because mine is internet and in the end any information I get whether it was from you or any other person could and could not be true

I write ''test e pct'' on google and litteraly the first website shows a legit pct.... what is your definition of research......?
No believe me I really appreciate your help I know no one here is gaining anything by advising me to do what is best could you please tell me if you think my cycle needs any adjusting or what you'd recommend for a pct. BTW I am the kind of person that has a very high metabolism and I quickly gain muscle when my diet is right like for example before I started my cycle I weighed 70 kg and now 4 weeks into my 12 week cycle of test e 375 MG per week 175 splits I weigh 76 and I'm sure that the cycle has nothing do do with it it's because I'm eating and training very hard so I'm not sure whether or not the cycle is working also on another website they recommended this dose for me and said that I shouldn't take any anti estrogen unless I see side effects what do you think
No believe me I really appreciate your help I know no one here is gaining anything by advising me to do what is best could you please tell me if you think my cycle needs any adjusting or what you'd recommend for a pct. BTW I am the kind of person that has a very high metabolism and I quickly gain muscle when my diet is right like for example before I started my cycle I weighed 70 kg and now 4 weeks into my 12 week cycle of test e 375 MG per week 175 splits I weigh 76 and I'm sure that the cycle has nothing do do with it it's because I'm eating and training very hard so I'm not sure whether or not the cycle is working also on another website they recommended this dose for me and said that I shouldn't take any anti estrogen unless I see side effects what do you think

I layed out a PCT for you a few posts ago. As far as what you were told it is wrong, you should always run an aromatise inhibitor during a cycle to keep estrogen in check. When you inject synthetic testosterone is attaches itself to what we call the aromatize enzyme and then it converts to estrogen. We want to keep estrogen levels in the optimal range to avoid unwanted side effects, such as mood swings, water retention (this causes high blood pressure) and gyno (the development of female breast tissue) too high estrogen level can effect libido as well. 375mg per week isn't a high enough dose I always say a first cycle should be 500mg per week, basically your producing so much test naturally at your age you would have to take A LOT of test to elevate you levels past natural levels.

You came to the board for advice-listen to the Senior guys here who are giving it! They've tried every AAS under the sun and know what they're talking about. If you're still going to ignore them search in the "Steroids for newbies" threads and you'll find everything laid out you want. Sounds like you just want to "experiment" meaning you just want the short cut. If that's true any water gains you make won't last and you'll screw up your HPTA along the way.

These guys are trying to steer you right out of personal experience.
Will actually the reason I was taking that dose of test e was because I was told on another website that a dose like that would not shut me down so should I increase the dose and add an inhibitor or is it to late for that now
No youre not ignoring anyone, i dont think you are anyways. Even the smallest dose of test will shut you down eventually. Look at it this way, your body produces testosterone, now when you inject test your body says hey, theres testosterone coming from somewhere else so i may as well stop producing it because its all ready there, and it shuts down. Thats an easy way to look at it. Im not going to tell you what to do or make a decision for you. But the answer to your question about if its too late to up the dose and add an AI is no (despite the fact i still think youre too young) Ive given you some facts so i think your mature enough to make a decision on your own my man. But! In the future if youre wanting to get into something weather it be steroids or anything, educate yourself so you can make a good desicion and k ow what your doing, dont take some joe shmoes advice because what ive noticed over all the years at this is there are A LOT of people who do not know what the fuck theyre talking about.
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Yea exactly. What surprises me is that these people are huge. Iv decided to up the dose and add an al I'm thinking of using d anabol 25 what do u think
Yea exactly. What surprises me is that these people are huge. Iv decided to up the dose and add an al I'm thinking of using d anabol 25 what do u think

I think you should simply give up the idea and PCT.... you're not mentally ready for that.... you need self-control and maturity with this stuff.
No thanks I think il just up the dose to 500 but I heard that if I take an aromatase inhibitor my estrogen levels Wil.drop too low therefore harming my gains and that I should only use an ai if I see any side effects what do u think