No youre not ignoring anyone, i dont think you are anyways. Even the smallest dose of test will shut you down eventually. Look at it this way, your body produces testosterone, now when you inject test your body says hey, theres testosterone coming from somewhere else so i may as well stop producing it because its all ready there, and it shuts down. Thats an easy way to look at it. Im not going to tell you what to do or make a decision for you. But the answer to your question about if its too late to up the dose and add an AI is no (despite the fact i still think youre too young) Ive given you some facts so i think your mature enough to make a decision on your own my man. But! In the future if youre wanting to get into something weather it be steroids or anything, educate yourself so you can make a good desicion and k ow what your doing, dont take some joe shmoes advice because what ive noticed over all the years at this is there are A LOT of people who do not know what the fuck theyre talking about.