First cycle of tren. What do you think?


New member
Ok so this is my 4th cycle and now i believe its time to try some tren.
First cycle was test e 250mg a week for 12 week.
Second cycle was test e 400mg a week for 12 weeks.
Third cycle was dianabol 4 weeks at 25mg and test e 250mg for 12 weeks.
Fourth cycle was dianabol 4 weeks at 25mg and test e 400mg for 12 weeks

Now im thinking trenbolone ace stacked as below:
Week 1-4 dbol @ 25mg ed
Week 1-4 test e @ 200mg a week
Week 5-10 tren @ 50mg eod
Week 5 to 12 test e @ 400mg a week
Im currently
5'9" 200lbs. 14% bf. 34 years young
Ok so this is my 4th cycle and now i believe its time to try some tren.
First cycle was test e 250mg a week for 12 week.
Second cycle was test e 400mg a week for 12 weeks.
Third cycle was dianabol 4 weeks at 25mg and test e 250mg for 12 weeks.
Fourth cycle was dianabol 4 weeks at 25mg and test e 400mg for 12 weeks

Now im thinking trenbolone ace stacked as below:
Week 1-4 dbol @ 25mg ed
Week 1-4 test e @ 200mg a week
Week 5-10 tren @ 50mg eod
Week 5 to 12 test e @ 400mg a week
Im currently
5'9" 200lbs. 14% bf. 34 years young
your third cycle was only 250mg of test per week??
Yes. Since i was adding dbol which i had never used. I went low on the test-e to test the waters for aromatization. Second round of dbol i went with 400mg of test -e........
Your cycle history is a little sketchy. 250mgs of test per week isn't really a cycle.

Your planned cycle is a little sketchy too. Why bump your test dose mid cycle? I could see if you were using a short ester but your not. You can keep it at 200mgs per week throughout and just run the tren. 50mgs eod is really a low dose. 75mgs eod is about as low as most would go.
All good point s made Senor.
Pick a tst dose, especially a long estered one and stick with it as T-bone indicated.

I for one applaud your low dose foray into the world of tren as u can always s TAKE MORE and it s a harsh compound, very different effect s on each individual( I sweat cow piss, can t sleep for more than 2 hour s etc ) VERY potent, clean up yur diet w o going catabolic and watch fat melt away, again individual specific.

I have the metabolism of my 10 yr old.
Would you suggest keeping the low test for the 12 weeks with the 50mg eod of tren for 6 to 8 weeks?how about the dbol, keep it in cycle or drop it? Im trying to gain some mass but also trying to stay as lean as i am now. Maybe even cut some fat while on the cycle.
Yeah well its just that im very cautious when im starting a new compound. Not sure how i will react so i do a low dose to see how i feel. I dont want to be one of those guys asking about lumps in their titts.
Gaining mass AND maintaining leanness is tricky but tren s a drug that help achieve this and the fact u want it to stay low at 1 st is a efreshing way to go..mui bueno mi amiago..
You are going to test the waters without an AI. Is it me, I didn't see your AI. Not a sensible idea to walk on a 6/12 pitch roof without your safety rope ( AI) to see if you are going to fall. The safety rope is like the use of an AI to prevent a fall Hence preventative medicine preventing Gyno.

Get it ??
Ive dabbeled with tren and have ran it as high as 600mg/wk. But ill say that, for me, 50 eod is best. I get better results on the lower dose and waaay less sides. I personally think my body can utilize the low dose of tren better than a higher dose. The shit is potent and originally made for cattle man!! This is always with trt dose of test.
OMM has a good point. Is gynocomastia an issue ? Itchy extra sensitive nipples are cool..luv it..mean s my gears gtg . But I have no MAMMARIES to grow and or lactate (make milk, seriously).

Soldier and I are on the same page w tren. Less side s is my goal and as a Bovine drug the side s vary from person to person but side s and dosages seem to ME to go hand and that a correct verbage..???? 10 r old will know.
You are going to test the waters without an AI. Is it me, I didn't see your AI. Not a sensible idea to walk on a 6/12 pitch roof without your safety rope ( AI) to see if you are going to fall. The safety rope is like the use of an AI to prevent a fall Hence preventative medicine preventing Gyno.

Get it ??

I didnt mention it on the post but i always have arimidex on hand but ive never had to use it. Tried it once while on dbol 25mg and 400mg test at only 0.25mg a week and got bad joint pain so i never use it. I just have it on hand. I also have tamoxifen on hand for gyno but also never have to use it. Only use it on pct.
OMM has a good point. Is gynocomastia an issue ? Itchy extra sensitive nipples are cool..luv it..mean s my gears gtg . But I have no MAMMARIES to grow and or lactate (make milk, seriously).

Soldier and I are on the same page w tren. Less side s is my goal and as a Bovine drug the side s vary from person to person but side s and dosages seem to ME to go hand and that a correct verbage..???? 10 r old will know.

No, never had issues. Ive never had to use the arimidex. Small doses crash my estrogen.
Your cycle history is a little sketchy. 250mgs of test per week isn't really a cycle.

Your planned cycle is a little sketchy too. Why bump your test dose mid cycle? I could see if you were using a short ester but your not. You can keep it at 200mgs per week throughout and just run the tren. 50mgs eod is really a low dose. 75mgs eod is about as low as most would go.

Definitely smart to start low with tren. I've been up to 100 ed and after a few weeks I was out of my mind. Until last week I was at 75 eod then I upped it to ed and I snapped on the prick at the pizza place the other day. I was fist fighting mad over something stupid. My wife hates me on tren. Usually I'm pretty easy going.
Definitely smart to start low with tren. I've been up to 100 ed and after a few weeks I was out of my mind. Until last week I was at 75 eod then I upped it to ed and I snapped on the prick at the pizza place the other day. I was fist fighting mad over something stupid. My wife hates me on tren. Usually I'm pretty easy going.

Just another good reason for me to keep the dose low . I like the relationship me and thelady have. I found on higher dose I get more paranoid than anything and think evervody is trying to get with her. Fuck that feeling!
Just another good reason for me to keep the dose low . I like the relationship me and thelady have. I found on higher dose I get more paranoid than anything and think evervody is trying to get with her. Fuck that feeling!

Haha yeah. Some guy at the gym told me the exact same thing about feeling like that about his girl.
Just another good reason for me to keep the dose low . I like the relationship me and thelady have. I found on higher dose I get more paranoid than anything and think evervody is trying to get with her. Fuck that feeling!

That's exactly how I was at 100 ed. I was sooo paranoid about shit when it came to my girl.

I didn't do tren for a couple years because of that. It mentally exhausted me when I was like that.