First Cycle - Pre Cycle Blood Work - What Do You Think?


New member
First post..

I'm 25 - 26 in 4 months. 5'7" cut down from 170 to 153 recently. Been training for a while now. Looking to put on some solid muscle and convert to the dark side. Got my Test E 300mg/ml from Pharmacom. I've been doing tons of research for the past few years and even more within the last few months and I think i'll be ready in a month or two max, just waiting to get pct on hand (pharma grade - waiting for nolva and clomid now it's in the mail. Then ordering hcg and aromasin)

Just got my blood work done, uploaded a picture of the results. What do you guys think?

After a ton of research I wanted to run my first cycle like this..

Weeks 1-12 : Test Enanthate @ 300mg/ml on Sunday morning + Wednesday nights.
Weeks 1-14 : Aromasin 12.5mg ED (half tab)
Weeks 1-12 : HCG 250iu 2x a week
Weeks 1-14 : HCG 250iu 2x/week stop 3 days before PCT
Week 15 : Clomid 100 / Nolva 40
Week 16 : Clomid 50 / Nolva 20
Week 17 : Clomid 50 / Nolva 20
Week 18 : Clomid 50 / Nolva 20
Last HCG pin 3-4 days before starting PCT
Aromasin on cycle. Start beginning cycle come off 24hrs before PCT.

Diet will be on point, I am going to write it out this weekend. I will be eating around 600-700 calories above maitenence and adjusting macros as I gain weight. Currently I'm still on my cutting diet. Wanted to drop BF% as much as possible before cycle.

If all is good to go, once I get my HCG and Aromasin I am going to start and I will post a log in the appropriate sub forum on here.

Also got my pins. 3cc syringes, 20g x 1 1/2" for drawing, 25g x 5/8th, 25g x 1", bacteriostatic water for hcg, slin pins for HCG 1/2cc 30g x 1/2", gloves and alcohol swabs also.

Open to any feedback and suggestions. Read all stickies across several boards and hope I covered all topics for my first post. Again pre cycle blood work results attached. Will get blood work 4 weeks in and post cycle as suggested.

Looks good, welcome to the boards!

Only thing I would maybe change is wait till 6 weeks in for mid cycle blood work.