First Cycle question


New member
ok so I have a question on my very first cycle

I am 30 years old 200lbs with 16% BF

I have worked my ass off dropping weight with eating right and excersise i started off back in October at 270lbs and now i'm trying to gain lean mass.

Here is what i am starting i have done a lot of reading up on it and what i am reading is conflicting with what the guy i'm purchasing my gear from is telling me.

So here is what my first cycle looks like and I am coming here for your advice to make sure i am doing this properly

10ml bottle of test cyp 250mg 1 cc injection per week

10ml Bottle of stanozolol 50mg 1cc injection per week

and nolvadex

the reason i am posting is becaus like i said i have been doing a lot of reading and I am getting conflicting answers on how much i should be taking.

i see alot of people saying to take the winstrol everyday or every other day and some saying to take it once a week. also that you can drink it.

I also see people saying to take the test 2 times a week and some saying once a week. so any advice would be helpful.
First, you really should read all the stickies at the top of the AAS section. They will answer 90% of the questions you have regarding the safe and responsible usage of anabolic/androgenic steroids. Second, I would drop the winstrol from your plans as it is a precontest drug and will likely only cause you joint pain with minimal gains. Third, 250mg of testosterone is just enough to replace the amount of test you make naturally (assuming your balls work properly - a pre-cycle blood test can confirm this) - you want to go with 500mg/wk for your first run. Note: A single 10ml vial is like an appetizer, and won't be enough to run a complete cycle.

After you've read up on the stickies, especially the one by JimiThing about estrogen, please feel free to ask any further questions you still have.

My .02c :)
First, you really should read all the stickies at the top of the AAS section. They will answer 90% of the questions you have regarding the safe and responsible usage of anabolic/androgenic steroids. Second, I would drop the winstrol from your plans as it is a precontest drug and will likely only cause you joint pain with minimal gains. Third, 250mg of testosterone is just enough to replace the amount of test you make naturally (assuming your balls work properly - a pre-cycle blood test can confirm this) - you want to go with 500mg/wk for your first run. Note: A single 10ml vial is like an appetizer, and won't be enough to run a complete cycle.

After you've read up on the stickies, especially the one by JimiThing about estrogen, please feel free to ask any further questions you still have.

My .02c :)
Going to grab a second bottle of test and drop the Winstrol (winny) again thank you for the help
Anabolic Steroid Forum
They're all the threads at the top. ;)

You'll want to make that three total vials. ;)

Last question, I already have the Winstrol (winny) would it hurt to finish off the vial taking 50mg every other day till its gone or should I just drop it completely?
Last question, I already have the Winstrol (winny) would it hurt to finish off the vial taking 50mg every other day till its gone or should I just drop it completely?
Man, you just had to put it that way, didn't you... I'm one of those people that HATE "wasting" things, so I would personally just use it up. It's not going to kill you or anything, just that I don't really like winstrol personally. It's really up to you. :)
Man, you just had to put it that way, didn't you... I'm one of those people that HATE "wasting" things, so I would personally just use it up. It's not going to kill you or anything, just that I don't really like winstrol personally. It's really up to you. :)

I also hate wasting that's why I was asking, I started the cycle yesterday and the Winstrol (winny) injection really hurt so I'm going to take it orally till its gone. Thank you very much for the help
I have another question, is Nolvadex good for an estrogen blocker? Or should I save that for post cycle therapy (pct)? Should I be taking it every day with my cycle or EOD?