Hey everyone, I have my cycle made up and was wondering if anyone could take a look at it and tell me if it looks good or what's wrong with it? This is my first cycle and i'm planning on running Test E with D-bol for a first cycle kick start. * I don't plan on starting any time soon as I am still too young, but would like to do research and educate myself as best I can up until the point I do start.*
1st Month (Dbol kick start / Arimidex everyday)
Week 1: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
Week 2: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
Week 3: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
Week 4: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
2nd Month (drop Dbol, lower Adex to EOD)
Week 5: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 6: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 7: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 8: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
3rd Month
Week 9: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 10: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 11: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 12: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 13: Wait 2 weeks to start post cycle therapy (pct)
Week 14:
4th Month (post cycle therapy (pct), to keep gains)
Week 15: Nolvadex 100mg first day, 40mg ED rest of week
Week 16: Nolvadex 40mg ED
Week 17: Nolvadex 20mg ED
Week 18: Nolvadex 20mg ED
I have a few questions aswell;
1. Should I use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle? Or only start using it if I see early signs of Gyno coming? I'm asking because I've had so many mixed responses with half the people saying to take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to be on the safe side, and to not use it until you see signs because it can limit your gains.
2. Should I throw in Clomid to my post cycle therapy (pct) aswell? I've also had mixed responses saying that nolva is enough for post cycle therapy (pct) alone, and many saying that you should always do both for post cycle therapy (pct). Should i also use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Adex) during my post cycle therapy (pct)?
3. Are my dosages of D-bol possibly a little too high considering this is my first cycle ever?
4. If I do end up using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, is "loading up" the first month of my cycle with .5mg everyday until the second month a good idea? Or should i just stick to .5mg EOD during the first month aswell?
5. Is my post cycle therapy (pct) long enough in duration being 1 month? Also am I right to start my post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after my cycle ends?
6. And finally my last question is let's say I take the no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle route, and gyno signs do come up at some point during. Would I start using the Adex to reverse the gyno or would I use the Nolva to reverse it?
Thank you all so much in advanced, I know I asked a whole lot of questions but I'm just trying to be the safest I can be.
1st Month (Dbol kick start / Arimidex everyday)
Week 1: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
Week 2: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
Week 3: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
Week 4: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / .5mg Arimidex ED
2nd Month (drop Dbol, lower Adex to EOD)
Week 5: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 6: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 7: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 8: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
3rd Month
Week 9: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 10: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 11: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 12: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 13: Wait 2 weeks to start post cycle therapy (pct)
Week 14:
4th Month (post cycle therapy (pct), to keep gains)
Week 15: Nolvadex 100mg first day, 40mg ED rest of week
Week 16: Nolvadex 40mg ED
Week 17: Nolvadex 20mg ED
Week 18: Nolvadex 20mg ED
I have a few questions aswell;
1. Should I use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle? Or only start using it if I see early signs of Gyno coming? I'm asking because I've had so many mixed responses with half the people saying to take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to be on the safe side, and to not use it until you see signs because it can limit your gains.
2. Should I throw in Clomid to my post cycle therapy (pct) aswell? I've also had mixed responses saying that nolva is enough for post cycle therapy (pct) alone, and many saying that you should always do both for post cycle therapy (pct). Should i also use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Adex) during my post cycle therapy (pct)?
3. Are my dosages of D-bol possibly a little too high considering this is my first cycle ever?
4. If I do end up using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, is "loading up" the first month of my cycle with .5mg everyday until the second month a good idea? Or should i just stick to .5mg EOD during the first month aswell?
5. Is my post cycle therapy (pct) long enough in duration being 1 month? Also am I right to start my post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after my cycle ends?
6. And finally my last question is let's say I take the no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during my cycle route, and gyno signs do come up at some point during. Would I start using the Adex to reverse the gyno or would I use the Nolva to reverse it?
Thank you all so much in advanced, I know I asked a whole lot of questions but I'm just trying to be the safest I can be.