First Cycle - Requesting Some Input


New member
Height 5' 10'
Weight 178
BF% <10
Age 22

The first thing I will address is my age. I'm sure the first 8 or so comments will be something along the lines of you shouldn't be getting involved in AAS. I appreciate your concern and understand the risks I am taking at starting young.

16 Week Cycle (This is in preparation for a show)

Weeks 1-16 Test E 500mg week (250mg Monday and 250mg Thursday)
Weeks 10-16 Winstrol Oral 50mgs a day (100mg option during the last week or so)
(Length of Winstrol use may vary between 4-6 weeks depending on my physique)

Letrozole (.25mg everyday) or Exemestane (12.5mg everyday) (Havent decided which one)
HCG 500iu every week (250iu with every Test injection)
Last week 1000iu everyday.

2 weeks After Last Shot
Nolva 20mg everyday for 4 weeks
Clomid 50mg everyday for 4 weeks

These places still good places to get bloodwork done? (Pre and Post) (Mid)

Diet and Workouts
I have a feeling someone will comment on "just diet and exercise." I have coaches for both who will be in the know of my cycle. My diet is followed to a T and my workouts are quite structured and religiously pursued.

I have a feeling that one of the bigger concerns other than my age will be the length of the cycle. I realize that 16 weeks is longer than your average cycle. That being said is there anything insanely wrong with pursuing a 16 week cycle? (Please elaborate as to why)
All comments and suggestions are readily welcomed. Thanks for taking the time to help out!
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most guys that are 22 and come on here with their cycle plans,, var or some oral only cycle bullshit,, are a bunch of dip shits that have been lifting for two weeks and they wanna do AAS now.. so congrats on not being one of those guys and actually putting together a well done first post and actually thinking of taking AAS cause you are IN the GAME and have a real goal and are competing.. you've already spent money on diet and training and coaching,, most guys haven't and just jump on AAS..
your young but seem like you got your shit together.
Now concerning your cycle.. first question: Where is your AI ?

Whoops. Not something you want to forget to include. My original post was updated. Either Letrozole or Exemestane. Not sure which one. I know Letrozole is stronger, but not sure if that caliber is needed or not. (No history of prepub-gyno).
Sounds like
You got it figured out bro...***8230;

Follow your plan. However, I did see one thing that concerns me but need more info first- (anyone see it?)

When's your show-during this cycle or after? Be very specific
Whoops. Not something you want to forget to include. My original post was updated. Either Letrozole or Exemestane. Not sure which one. I know Letrozole is stronger, but not sure if that caliber is needed or not. (No history of prepub-gyno).

somewhat harsh and very hard to dial in your dosage and letro could kill your e2 very fast.. I'd recommend either
Arimidex or Aromasin . the only aromatizing compound you are running is test, so either of these two at moderate dosages taking through out your cycle up to pct will do just fine., imo
Sounds like
You got it figured out bro...***8230;

Follow your plan. However, I did see one thing that concerns me but need more info first- (anyone see it?)

When's your show-during this cycle or after? Be very specific

Show would be within days of this cycle ending.
somewhat harsh and very hard to dial in your dosage and letro could kill your e2 very fast.. I'd recommend either
Arimidex or Aromasin . the only aromatizing compound you are running is test, so either of these two at moderate dosages taking through out your cycle up to pct will do just fine., imo

Alright cool thank you!
Show would be within days of this cycle ending.

Alright I would recommend getting off the test e the last
4 weeks and start using prop. This is going to help
Reduce any bloat caused by the test.

Also, are you taking any dieretics or anything days before the show?

What's is your last couple days prep diet like- that's what's gonna make or break you...DIET!
Alright I would recommend getting off the test e the last
4 weeks and start using prop. This is going to help
Reduce any bloat caused by the test.

Also, are you taking any dieretics or anything days before the show?

What's is your last couple days prep diet like- that's what's gonna make or break you...DIET!

Yes, I will be taking a dietetic before and I have prep coaches for the diet side of things. What's the dosage for Prop? And run that until the show?
You can keep the dosage the same so in your case 500 a week. You'll have to pin ED on prop if you miss a day that's fine. I usually come off test about 3 days before show

If this is your first
Show bring a pillow, and stuff to do because all you'll be doing for hours and hours
And hours is waiting. And make sure
You have your food and some things that can help in case
Your flat- coaches I'm assuming will ho you
With that .
Here's another question. Is there a need to take HCG during? Or is it fine to just take it the last week?

Man to be honest, everyone has there own thoughts on Hcg. Me
Personally, I'd say take it with your Pct after the show (I do this to make sure I don't retain any water). Do your own research in here and make
Your own plan.
Here's another question. Is there a need to take HCG during? Or is it fine to just take it the last week?

Do you care about your balls? hCG keeps them from atrophying, so if you plan on trying to recover your natural test at any point then yes, hCG is a must imo.

Never run hCG during PCT. Use it on cycle only as it is suppressive to the pituitary. It will stop the SERMs doing their job, basically ruining your PCT.
Like I said before come up with your own conclusion lol. Many peeps never have to even use Hcg . I never did until I started mixing compounds and taking higher MGs. Others, need it right away. It's like an AI, keep it on hand just in case.

Also, you can run a very successful pct with Hcg post cycle a well. This is a debate that has been going in for fucking years now. As a competitor
And not some random kid shooting
Up for a better beach body you'll find it prolly
Better to wait post cycle. Use the "search"
