First cycle rocking 6 compounds 3 of them orals lets fucken do this shit!

big bk

I am banned!
Just playin my shit is pretty standard.

I'm 6'1 started the cycle at 233lbs my bf is what it is, take a look at the pic and make your estimate not low but I don't think it is too high to cycle probably mid teens and I'll be 27 next year 100% natty until now hardly took any supps either started taking a little bit of creatine off and on from earlier this year Creatine Monohydrate and then Creatine Hydro in Concret and in Muscle Pharm Assault.

Test Enanthate 600mg/week for 12-16 weeks with dbol 37.5mg/day for the first 4-6 weeks and possibly the last 4-6 weeks also I don't know.

12.5mg/day aromasin but I'm gonna tweak that up and/or down as I see fit.

Training splits are pretty standard as well.

3-4 days a week lower volume heavy lifting structured around the big core lifts.

Goes something like this
Day 1 Legs
Day 2 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Day 3 Back, Biceps
Day 4 Arms


Day 1 Legs
Day 2 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Day 3 Legs
Day 4 Back, Biceps


Day 1 Legs
Day 2 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Day 3 Back & Biceps

I usually take an off day for every on day and sometimes stack both as in work 2 days take 2 days off but sometimes it'll be 2 on 1 off 1 on 2 off stuff like that.

I do everything intuitively call me a chick if you want but thats how I operate especially in this game and I do it with my diet as well which I will get into briefly below.

What I mean by intuitively is that I listen to whatever the fuck my body tells me I tend to work out legs twice in 7 or 8 days 1 out of every 2 or 3 weeks if that makes sense to you guys. To reduce confusion we'll just say that out of any given 3 weeks or 24 days I tend to do each of the above splits once follow?

Diet is pretty clean I was a very solid college hoopster had a couple of chances to play pro overseas but I did some other shit instead the point is I know my body I've had trainers and nutritionists in a college athletics environment I eat intuitively but I know what I'm doing with my eating.

I eat a lot of protein. I was bulking 100% natural for like a solid 2 years or so before this and moved up from the low 200's into the mid 230's but keeping my body fat at a reasonable number I can pack the fat on quickly but likewise I can shed it in a hurry too so my bf% doesn't worry me much.

I was wanting to play around with t3/clen before starting my cycle to see how effective they actually were and to try to drop a few quick bf% points before starting because I wanted to get on this shit instead of waiting to cut it down naturally cause I was bulking for so long and I have the t3 and clen but I'm not using them.

I eat 5-8 times per day not including 1-3 shakes. Pre workout is usually real food. Post workout is usually a big-ass shake plus Ezred got me hooked on this fucken Xtend shit I drink that all day every day to the tune of about 1-2 gallons a day. Before bed is either eggs, steak, steak and eggs or casein.

Other meals are oats with milk, protein in the form of whey powder and/or eggs plus peanut butter or almond butter when I'm in the states and can get it quick and easy. I eat a good amount of chicken breasts and fairly to pretty lean beef cuts that I also trim down before and during eating as I feel like that day. Most of my carbs come from rice and sweet potatoes. I don't measure everything when I eat it and I never have and probably never will I just eyeball it and I know how much was in each container to begin with.

My calorie burnage is up in the mid to high 3000's per day so I am bumping my intake since starting the cycle up into the mid-high 4ks per day from the very low 4ks per day that it was on during my natural bulk and also I do carb cycling as I feel like it no super specific schedule I just see how my body is looking and feeling on any given day and adjust accordingly.

I will post my before pics up later and try to get updates every week or two.

I kinda wanted to run primo at 800mg/week with this cycle like ez is doing except his primo is around 600 a week I it just sounded cool to me sheeeit if its good enough for arnold who the fuck am I to say no haha. Looks like I managed to fight the urge though.

That is all carry on.
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alright mr. know it all.

your diet sucks, your training sucks, you're ugly as hell, and the next time you try to dunk on me in a game i'm going to kick you in the balls fat ass.
haha you crack me up bro... good luck on that sounds pretty good.

Are you taking the test bi weekly?

Yeah sunday/thursday-ish I do 1.5ml of test my dbol is liquid dosed at 25mg/ml so I do 1.5ml of that every day. I was splitting it up 3 times a day but I changed that to 2 times I have heard so many people giving their preference figure I just gotta try out different dosing schedules for myself and see what makes the most sense for me.

alright mr. know it all.

your diet sucks, your training sucks, you're ugly as hell, and the next time you try to dunk on me in a game i'm going to kick you in the balls fat ass.

Fuck you. I rock you in every lift in the gym except the bench you've got me by about 75lbs of something stupid on bench but that doesn't make you any less of a fag. When are you gonna tell your wife bro? Should do it while your daughter is still too young to fully understand the connotations of her pops being a fruity bastard.
Hi dick xxx

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Wow for fucken real that has to be the most insightful shit I've read around here in a long minute and lucky me you drop them gems right on my thread woot woot!
lol...good luck with your cycle

haha thanks bro. here's an updated pic from nearly 2 weeks in.

i'll put up the before and week 1 pics when i have time but my avatar was week 1 so you can compare to that.
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not bad dude. you just need to add a ton of mass to that big frame and drop some fat. Can be easily done with a proper diet, the right cheat days, and lots of intense training/rest.

Good luck.
not bad dude. you just need to add a ton of mass to that big frame and drop some fat. Can be easily done with a proper diet, the right cheat days, and lots of intense training/rest.

Good luck.
It is what I'm trying to do for sure thanks!

This is the fattest I've ever been I was bulking for so long did a lot of it pretty clean but then was finding it harder started throwing in more cheats and all that. I guess I forgot to cover that in my initial post I have cheat meals a couple of times a week and usually one power cheat day every week. I've got my bloat more under control with my diet now and I ain't gonna fuck with worrying about leaning out until after my cycle or at least till after thisfucken dbol kick and stuff maybe try to clean it up pretty good for the second half of my cycle but still eat big.
lookin pretty good there man. keep er up

Thanks will do! Glad I waited till now to start but I'm fucken glad I started up can't wait for the test to actually kick in! I am thinking I will probably go ahead and run this dbol out to 6 weeks keep working on my eating patterns to try and master the fucken bloatless dbol run and then start adjusting my diet and get cleaner for the last 8 weeks or so trying to keep adding mass. Play the lean bulk game we will find out if I can do it I think I can with my eating. I haven't done cardio beside a few hours of ball once very couple of weeks in about 3 months haha.
Cycle looks great bro...keep us posted on your progress. I also just started my T/E @500MG to see how i respond - 2wks this past Wednesday.

You are fairly lean, shouldn't be a worry with a proper diet later on. I was thinking of leaning and building mass at same time. However, after reading a little more and analyzing progress of friends, i decided to just bulk up for now. There is always a trade off IMHO, best to do one thing at a time. I want to see what happens in the next two weeks, i may even kick in some dbol at 40mg/d.

Whats your plans on the PCT?
Quick update: Lifts way up haven't got on the scale but some size and thickness it seems I'll post a pic so you be the judge.

Bloating was under control with the diet but this past week was dirtier than Nicole Richie's cuchie and the dbol and test must be combining pretty good now 'cause suddenly my fucken fingers turned into bratwursts and I got worse cankles than a 34 year old Irish mother of 3.

Drinking up and dealing with it.
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Quick update: Lifts way up haven't got on the scale but some size and thickness it seems I'll post a pic so you be the judge.

Bloating was under control with the diet but this past week was dirtier than Nicole Richie's cuchie and the dbol and test must be combining pretty good now 'cause suddenly my fucken fingers turned into bratwursts and I got worse cankles than a 34 year old Irish mother of 3.

Drinking up and dealing with it.

delts are looking blown up compared to that last pic bk. nice.
delts are looking blown up compared to that last pic bk. nice.

Thanks I was looking at that too and feeling it in my shirts and shit fucken clothes getting tighter than a filipino virgin around the shoulders and arms.

Also my ass is getting bigger not that I needed it to fucken thing was massive already haha and also my traps. This pic probably cause of how I'm holding the camera or something my traps look non-egg-fucken-zistent but actually they've built up quite a bit especially middle and lower traps thickness.
LOL - looks great man...

Your headline for the post has to be the best I've seen here!

Well done keep us posted :)