First cycle routine?? Help please.


New member
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I am running my first cycle of test E 500/mg..

I was put on TRT a while ago dude to very low numbers for my age and as a result could not gain strength or muscle very efficiently at all. (let's not get into this STAY ON TOPIC please)

Anyways I will be boosting my TRT dose to 500/mg a week. I will be using Aromasin for my AI.

What workout routine would be best for my first cycle? I'd like to gain a lot of strength but hypertrophy is extremely important as well. I was thinking something like ICF 5x5 but I imagine being on a cycle this might not be enough? I know off cycle it's pretty intense but is it intense enough on cycle?

Help me out guys! Thanks!
My personal opinion... choose a priority!

If you choose strength, then 5 x 5 training will suffice - long recovery periods, textbook technique isn't an issue.
If you choose hypertrophy, then you need to be hitting lots of sets to failure in the 8-12 rep range. Drop sets, supersets, low recovery times, mind/muscle connection etc

You are more likely to achieve one goal if you address it head on - rather than making just an 'ok' job at attempting both.

Just my 02 cents ;)

For strength I like Jim Wendlers 5/3/1. It's basic, easy to follow and it works. For hypertrophy like BigBen said lots of set to failure, lots of volume and time under tension and the all important mind muscle connection.