First Cycle Superdrol / Test E - Started


New member
Doing 12 weeks of test e 500mg per week. 4-6 weeks of superdrol (depending how I feel). Currently on week 3 and still do not feel SD in effect, I'm starting to lose hope. First week I did 10mg, second 20mg, started 3rd week yesterday and bumped to 30mg. Test is super smooth no issue there. I'm rotating glutes and delts. Dosing 12.5 aromasin eod, TUDCA 1000mg per day. I work out 4 times a week. I have noticed a better fuller pump and small strength gain but nothing close to the SD hype...
Takes me 5-6 days, but I'm surprised that 20mg hasn't gotten you chewing nails and spitting rivets. You at least getting the burps or a hint of nausea when your stomach is empty?
I get my stuff from a highly reputable source, so its hard to believe that. perhaps I'm doing something wrong

I almost always take it with a meal. I'm always chewing on something.. should I do empty stomach?
I get my stuff from a highly reputable source, so its hard to believe that. perhaps I'm doing something wrong

I almost always take it with a meal. I'm always chewing on something.. should I do empty stomach?

if the AAS is real you cant do it wrong, its not dependent on your mood or way of chewing. it goes in teh blood and BAM results. ur SD is nonsense

20mg's should be VERY noticable, 30 and 40 = lol
Per day. Now I'm taking 30mg ED. . I just started week 3. Should I just stop?

if you aint hard as rock and feeling like death on 30mg superdrol per day = you got sold tic tacs. throw it away and get ur money back and spit in guys face for doing this to you, never buy from him
aromasin gets taken ED btw, it has a short half life. It's adex you take EoD, letro EoD or E3D depending on dosage
Well that's a bummer... stopping sdrol
Oh man ty Onk.. Here's the update :
Doing second pin of 3rd week today. Noticed a bit of puffy nips so up'd aromasin 12.5 ED
Strength and edurance has gone up and I'm only up 3 lbs.
UPDATE: Just started week 4 first pin yesterday. I originally wanted to only pin glutes and delts but I said what the hell and did thigh yesterday.. Pin was flawless and smooth no issue there.
Had chest day yesterday and I was amazed at the new strength this early in the cycle. Before cycle, on a REAL good day I could bench 275lbs for 1 rep max. Yesterday I did 275lbs for 4 reps and 295lbs for 2 reps. I couldn't believe this!

Update On the puffy nips: I got puffy nips (just the nip, not the outer circle) beginning of week 3. Not bad but enough for my gf to notice. She says they look like a pregnant women's nipples. I realized I was dosing AROMASIN EOD instead of ED (thanks to the guys above) so I started dosing ED and the nips have stopped getting puffier but they have also not gone down. They maintained. Can I get thoughts on this? Should I run some nolva along side my AI?

Edit: Running aromasin 12.5 ED