First Cycle - Sust


New member
3 years lifting experience
Current stats:
22 y/o 6'0" 190lbs

Don't know that it is applicable or important but I have run oral pro hormones in the past.

4,000 cals/day
73g fat
190g Protein minimum
657g carbs

Weeks 1-15
Sustanon 2x/week @ 400mg each. (800mg/week)

Beginning week 18 (3 weeks after last Sustanon (sust) pin)
Weeks 18-26
Nolva 20mg ED (10/10 morning evening split)
Clomid 50mg ED (25/25 morning evening split)

I also have some natural test "boosters" a friend gave me, which I know are fairly useless but I thought might aide with a libido boost.

I've done a fair amount of research through various sites & forums.
Please let me know how this looks, if something needs to be edited. Thanks fellas.
sus not good for a first cycle should be a straight testosterone 800mgs abit high for a first cycle try 500-600mg and double your protein intake need to be hittin 2 gram per pound of body weight on cycle
nolva should be 40 40 20 20 thats doses per week run your clomid 100 50 50 50 take them before.bed makes u emotional bro haha
3 years lifting experience
Current stats:
22 y/o 6'0" 190lbs

Don't know that it is applicable or important but I have run oral pro hormones in the past.

4,000 cals/day
73g fat
190g Protein minimum
657g carbs

Weeks 1-15
Sustanon 2x/week @ 400mg each. (800mg/week)

Beginning week 18 (3 weeks after last Sustanon (sust) pin)
Weeks 18-26
Nolva 20mg ED (10/10 morning evening split)
Clomid 50mg ED (25/25 morning evening split)

I also have some natural test "boosters" a friend gave me, which I know are fairly useless but I thought might aide with a libido boost.

I've done a fair amount of research through various sites & forums.
Please let me know how this looks, if something needs to be edited. Thanks fellas.

I would use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I were you, and like andyjames said it's better to start with a lower dose to see how you react to the substance.
Okay, so drop to 2 300mg pins per week? Will up the protein intake
And on the post cycle therapy (pct) are you saying only 4 weeks at those doses instead of 8?

Probably agree with take before bed, I've read a lot about that crap making you an emotional girl. Lol

Also: I am keeping some extra Nolva on hand that I can take during cycle if I notice gyno coming on.
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yeah 4 weeks is fine bro just make sure you get bloods done to see where u are theres a post cycle therapy (pct) thread and begginers cycle in the stickys mate where all the threads are just eat train sleep repeat and you should grow like a weed remember tho bro diet is the key make sure u get a good multivit and some fish oil good luck bro
Yes that sounds better if you ask me. Always use a low dose to see how you react, this could be steroids, ssri etc. Hope you got my point.
But what are you using to fight the estrogen conversion that will occur?
good point workout i forgot to add that...powerbuild u need to get.a aromatise inhibiter like arimidex run it at.0.25mg to battle estro
Through my research everything has said that Sustanon (sust) estrogen sides are very mild, and that at doses 600-800 an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is not necessary. However, I have purchased more Nolva than I need for pct with the plan of introducing it into my cycle if I begin to see esteoenic sides such as bloating and/or gyno.
IF I begin to see these sides, at what dosage should I bring the nolva in?

One other question about shooting
Where would be the most comfortable area to shoot? I'm sure it varies largely from person to person but what have you had the best experience with? I have seen a lot like to rotate between quads, delta, and glutes. Pinning is what I'm most nervous about, truthfully.
you need a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) bro nolva only blocks estrogen binding to the recepters it doesnt lower it and im on my 1st cycle believe me pinnin is easy after the first one try your quads as its easy to see when u aspirat
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Okay, I'll pick up some arimidex. Was that .25mg/day?
How much does that usually cost? I can pay for it regardless. Just curious.

& okay I'll go for the quads. Plus if my quads get sore from pins I could work it out quicker.
Could I just alternate quads each time? Monday left quad, Thursday right quad for example.
yeah. 25 a day and if ur side get worst up it to.5 a day be careful tho u dont wanna crash ur estrogen its strong shit adex and i dont think we can discuss price its against rules and try your quads the 1st two times and if you feel comfertable try your arse just prevents scar tissue
Sustanon is a blend of four esterized testosterone compounds, both fast and slow acting. your body will convert some of it to estrogen and might give you trouble. I would throw in some more money and buy an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Better safe than sorry, right?
Okay I appreciate the advice fellas.

Looks like it'll be:
Weeks 1-15
Sust 2x/week (mon, thurs) 300mg each.
Arimidex .25mg/day

Weeks 18-22
Nolva - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 100/50/50/50
haha workout i allways do that aswell comment to slow and powerbuild ur cycle looks solid now good luck post up a log aswell mate so i can see how ur progressin through the cycle
So i am no the only one thats slow here? that feels comforting haha! Yes post a log Powebuilder, if you have the time and energy
Always helps to hear from people who have been in your shoes before. That's why I started my journal. I am 1 week into my first sustanon cycle too. Check out my thread as our cycles are very similar. Good luck brother. Keep us updated on your progress.