First Cycle Test c Only


New member
Ok ive been a member of ology for a couple years read up alot and finally want to do a cycle...3 years ago my weight was 290 (fat basterd) i started going to the gym/mma and in 6 months changed my whole life i am now:

205 Lbs

im in great cardio shape and lift pretty heavy.
i want to do a test c cycle 1ml/200mg once a week for 10 weeks...i have 1 bottle of watson pharm test c...waste of time? is pct a must and what drug and dose please?

Any info is welcome...thanks guys
200 Mg a week is a waste of time for sure, ,need more research congrats on your progress so far but your not ready for gear, ,need more research
And if your asking if post cycle therapy (pct) is a must you just shows right their just how ready you are not!!
thanks for the replies so if i do this cycle there will be no difference in my look or strength? i dont want a huge change...
i just want to be more vascular...harder...and put on a lil size an strength...ive talked to drs and they said ull see some results
Ya bro I'm on a test c cycle now. I'm pinning 250mg on Sunday and wend. 14 weeks. Clomid at 50/50/50/59 14 days after last injection. Letro on hand incase of gyno. I was gonna run adex at 12.5 eod but didnt
taking 200 test a week it's like replacing your own test production with almost the same amount of fake test which will shut you down and you wont experience much gains with it.

200 test a week is more than your body produces but not enough to notice much gains. It's a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose

Get at least twice of that amount and run it for 10-12 weeks...then adjust your diet to your goals...dont want to get huge? run maintenance calories and go from there
Dont want bloat? drink plenty of water 1 gal-1.5gal a week and/or throw in some ai