First Cycle (Test C)


New member
First Cycle (Test C) with Pictures

I started my first cycle this Monday. I am doing 500 mg of Test C a week (250 mg on Mondays and Thursdays) for 10 weeks with a Nolva only post cycle therapy (pct) (that's all I could get my hands on). Monday I injected into my left delt and yesterday I injected into my right delt. I hate needles so I don't look forward to the injections at all.

My current stats:
21 years old
5' 8.5"
185 lbs

I have been training for 5+ years. I have a lot of experience with weight lifting so I don't believe that I am too young to be cycling.

I started following "The Sample Diet" in the "Bulking Primer" thread about a month ago with some minor changes. I plan on adding to it this upcoming week.

I train 5 to 6 days a week. Some may say that's too much but I've been doing it for a while and it's been working for me. I usually break it down like this:

Day 1 - Chest and Abs
Day 2 - Bis and Traps
Day 3 - Tris and Forearms
Day 4 - Lats and Lower Back
Day 5 - Shoulders and Abs
Day 6 - Legs and Forearms

I plan to fit some cardio in there starting next week.

I'll try to post more info about my diet and routine when I get time. I'll also post pictures of my progress throughout my cycle. I look forward to hearing any comments or advice you guys got for me!
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Whats up guys. I am about to start week 5 of my cycle and figured I would give a litte update. My weight is currently at 195 pounds. It's tough to say how much of that is as a result of my cycle because I've also been trying to increase the amount of food I eat each day.

My lifts are all increasing, especially chest and shoulder exercises. For example I can now rep 225 incline bench for 3 sets of 10. I started this cycle doing 205. And shoulder press I'm doing 180 3 sets of 10, which is another 20 pound increase in weight.

I started injecting in my glutes only after my first week, I just feel it's a lot easier. The only disadvantage to this is that my tail bone gets sore a day or two after the injection. I am injecting in the right area, no where near the tail bone, so I don't really understand it. Not a big deal tho.

In terms of side effects, I noticed a little acne develop right above my arm pits between my shoulders and chest, nothing serious tho. I also tend to cramp up every once in a while, but I'm not sure if that's associated with the juice.

Haven't been doing much cardio like I said I would but I am trying to hit abs a few times a week because i have potential to have a half decent core.

I'll keep you guys updated, these next few weeks I really expect to see some results.
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Can't believe no one has posted here yet.

So far on the pics you can see progress on the pecs for sure, and as you mentioned with your new bench weight that correlates.

Everyone will probably tell you that you are too young to do AAS. At your age your natural test levels and diet should be sufficient enough. Seeing you already took the leap, I hope you have a solid post cycle therapy (pct) and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand. Good luck.
bro i can even see improvements in your traps and delts keep it up man your definately on the right track just make sure your do your homework in case any gyno creeps up on ya
Thanks for the replies guys! It's good to hear that people other than myself can see some results.

I haven't noticed any signs of gyno yet but I can get my hands on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I need it. As mentioned above I also decided to go with a nolva only post cycle therapy (pct). I couldn't get any clomid and heard mixed reviews about it anyway.

I am going to try and post more pictures this week so you can see my entire figure. If there is any advice you guys got for me please let me know, whether it be things I need to work on, questions you got, anything!
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Looks like you got a good foundation to start with.
Only thing I would suggest a 4 or 5 day split to give your body
time to grow. Also, not familiar with the diets you mentioned but
at least set some macro nutrient %'s for yourself so you will have a better idea
of what and how much to eat.

Also man, that cramping up is probably dehydration. good luck
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Looks like you got a good foundation to start with.
Only thing I would suggest a 4 or 5 day split to give your body
time to grow. Also, not familiar with the diets you mentioned but
at least set some macro nutrient %'s for yourself so you will have a better idea
of what and how much to eat.

Also man, that cramping up is probably dehydration. good luck

he is right on..resting is just as important as training..

give us an idea of what you eat ever day total of all macros and calories. diet is everything...
What's up guys. Sorry I suck at keeping this thread updated I'm always so damn busy.

I just finished up week 8 of my cycle. I am weighing in at about 202 pounds.

In terms of side effects, I have minor acne on my shoulders, chest and back. Nothing serious but it is noticeable because I used to have none. I also have increased hair growth on my face, chest and stomach; nothing a razor can't fix though. Maybe slight testicular shrinkage, not much though.

Cycle is going great. I am still injecting into my glutes only. Everything is continuing to increase. I started doing a lot of supersetting to make sure I work my muscles as much as possible. I also am doing a 5 day on, 2 day off routine as suggested by acouple of you.

I am going to post complete body pictures once I finish my cycle so stay tuned!
And in terms of my diet, it usually looks like this:

Meal 1
8 egg whites
4 pieces of turkey bacon

Meal 2
2 peanut butter sandwiches on whole grain bread

Meal 3
12.5 oz can of chicken
1.5 cup of brown rice

Meal 4
2 packets of chunk light tuna

Meal 5
Chipolte chicken bowl (rice, black beans and salsa only)


Meal 6
2 scoops 100% whey and 1 scoop SizeOn

Meal 7
Whole grain pasta with meat sauce

Meal 8
Some type of protein and 1 cup of oatmeal

I try to eat a fruits and vegetables throughout the day and I am always drinking milk; probably a half gallon a day. I also try to work some red meat in there every day. I don't have the caloric intake for each meal but I'll try to get that to you guys. I know it took me a while to post this but it can't hurt to critic it for my post cycle therapy (pct).

Thanks everyone!
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Just an update. My test C cycle lasted 9 weeks not 10. I think the vials were under filled, who knows tho. So rather than cutting my cycle short I was able to get my hands on some sust.

I am going to run the Sustanon (sust) for weeks 10, 11 and 12 of my cycle at 150 mg EOD. I got great gains from test C so hopefully extending the cycle a little longer than planned with Sustanon (sust) will benefit me even more.

I'll keep you guys updated.
Finished up my 12 week cycle 5 days ago. I am still weighing in around 202 pounds, which is a 17 pound gain from the start of my cycle. My strength never stopped increasing. I couldn't be happier with the gains that I made, everyone I talk to notices the size I put on.

The only side effects I have are acne on my shoulders and back and some minor stretch marks near my armpits. My testicles never really shrank and I still have my sex drive. I am going to keep eating and training hard in hopes that I keep most of my gains!

I'll let you guys know how everything goes after PCT.

Here are some pictures I took today:
Thanks for the comments guys!

For post cycle therapy (pct) I plan on running tamoxifen citrate (nolva) 21 days after my last injection, which is September 30th. I am going to do 40 mg ED for the first two weeks and 20 mg ED for two weeks after that.
... I also decided to go with a nolva only post cycle therapy (pct). I couldn't get any clomid and heard mixed reviews about it anyway.

That's all you need - the Nolva. For heavier cycles you can throw in the Clomid/Nolv combo next time around.

The tail bone pain is likely correlated to the lower back pumps. I had them too alongside lower back and leg pumps. Add some Taurine and Potassium - it helped on the last round for me. Although the addition did not totally alleviate the pains and pumps, it did help to a certain degree.

Keep it up - looking solid there bro!