i am 22 and have been dosing off and on for about 3 years. tried every kind off supplement alaviable before dealing with the good stuff no noticeable results. first cycle i did was test cyp only about (300-500mg wk) and i was amazed at the gains. some people say that the meds only play a very small part in gains, i disagree. but yes you do have to have proper diet and training. anyways i have ran a few test cyp only cycles and a few test (300-500 wk) and deca(200-400 wk) cycles. my last 2 were test,deca, dbol. and i saw huge gains with strength and size the last cycle put on about 25 pounds in 6 weeks. and kept 15 of it. but i am now back on a test only cycle and i was going to add deca to it again but i had been doing some research and alot of people are syaing equipoise is better for quality gains in vascularity and strength. i am about 180 10% bf and looking to stay around 185 mabye 190. i would loved some opinions on meds to stack and cycles with. my goals are strength, speed, endurance, with little water weight and gains i will be able to keep. please reply