First Cycle (Test Cyp and Prop) - How to best utilize what I have?


New member
I am currently on my first cycle and need some advice on how to best utilize what I have on hand thus far.

Stats - 22 yo, 5'6", 165 lbs, 9% bf. Pre cycle labs: 610 test, 27 E2

What I was prescribed through the med spa (12 week course + PCT):
  • 2x weekly injections of a Test CYP/PROP 160mg/40mg/10ml blend (.75ml per shot...equivalent to 1.5ml a week...240mg CYP/60mg PROP)
  • A 10,000iu vial of HCG, which I plan on dosing 250iu 2x weekly on cycle (They actually suggested 2000iu a week, which I thought was wrong and abnormally high so I just told them to script me just one vial)
  • Aromasin 25mg QTY 120 (meant to be ran on cycle and 4 weeks PCT)
  • Clomid 50mg QTY 90 (meant to be ran only 4 weeks PCT at 150mg a day...again this seems a little high)

What I plan on adding myself to augment what was prescribed to me:
  • Test Prop 100mg/10ml (3 vials for a total of 3000mg of test prop)

The place that I went to seemed a little uninformed. They don't really specialize in testosterone; they are mainly a botox/weight loss/laser clinic. I feel like the amount of test that they prescribed me is low, hence why I am adding the additional test prop myself. The test prescribed to me was to be self-administered and all of it was pre-drawn for me. I plan on taking 25mg Aromasin EOD, since the pills are tiny and would be impossible to break in half. I don't plan on taking the full 150mg of Clomid ED for PCT. I have already started the prescribed test blend at .75ml twice weekly (I have already done 2 injections as prescribed). Here is my game plan so far:

Week 2-12:
Test CYP/PROP blend as prescribed - 2x week; 120mg/30mg each shot
Additional Test PROP - EOD; 30 mg on days I shoot the blend; 70 mg on the other 2 days
...(Effectively 500mg of test a week)
Aromasin 25mg EOD
HCG 250iu 2x week

Week 13-14
Test PROP - 50mg EOD
...(Effectively 400 mg of test a week)
Aromasin 25mg EOD
HCG 500iu 2x week

Week 15: Cease everything except for Aromasin 25mg EOD

Aromasin ED25/ED25/EOD25/EOOD25
Clomid 100/100/75/50/25/12.5 (ED throughout)

Do you guys think that this way of administering will prevent test fluctuations throughout the week? I figured I would take the test blend as prescribed and incorporate an additional 3000mg of test prop throughout and a little after. I basically stop the CYP early, convert over to PROP solo for the CYP to clear my body, and then give it about a week to start PCT. Does this plan sound logical? Sorry about the long post, but I would appreciate some input.
You are too young dude, but you are already going. But pct Nova clomid, breakfast of champions. Nova 40/20/20/20/20 clomid 100/75/50/50/50.the rest looks alright.i can't believe they prescribed this, it is not trt, it is a str8 cycle.....
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