First cycle test cyp first pin today


New member
I just started my cycle today with my first pin of test cyp. The pinning went very well did it about 5 hours ago into my quad didn't hurt at all.

This is my cycle layout

Week 1 - 12 test cyp pinning 300mg x2 a week 600 total
Week 2 - 12 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) aromasin 12.5mg eod
Week 13 - 15 post cycle therapy (pct) nolvadex 40mg Ed
Week 15 - 17 post cycle therapy (pct) nolvadex 20mg Ed

I'm currently 21 years old 177lbs about 10% body fat
I will post pics of from before cycle and some for when I'm finished
Thanks , and yes I do have post cycle therapy (pct) it's posted above now . And diet is good

3 eggs
Bowl of oatmeal
Protein shake

2-3 hours later
Can of tuna

Some sort of pasta
chicken breast

Before gym yogurt
Gym time

After gym
Protein shake

Baked potato
Veggies ( peas or corn )
I would add a few more carbs post wotkout and some casein protein before bed. Maybe some more greens throughout the day. Just my opinion
You need more food bro. Increase your eggs in the morning from 3 eggs to maybe 6 scrambled eggs white and 2 whole eggs. For your snack, instead of yogurt, try to get some whole grain rice or 2-4 slices wheat bread with a 2 or more cans of tuna. After gym I'd get a protein shake and some sort of carb shake to replenish glycogen. 45 min to an hour after I'd eat a high protein meal. Then have your steak a few hours later wi veggies. As others are saying before bed, eat a ton of cottage cheese. Think about it you are going to fast when you sleep and as a result your body won't have nutrients for a lengthy period of time. Cottage cheese is especially good at night for its slow absorbing protein effects.

Make changes to your diet based on your weight and calorie requirements. A lot of people don't get the results that they want from gear and complain. The reason is because they don't eat as much as they think they are eating. This should help you put on 15 lbs. My .02
You need more food bro. Increase your eggs in the morning from 3 eggs to maybe 6 scrambled eggs white and 2 whole eggs. For your snack, instead of yogurt, try to get some whole grain rice or 2-4 slices wheat bread with a 2 or more cans of tuna. After gym I'd get a protein shake and some sort of carb shake to replenish glycogen. 45 min to an hour after I'd eat a high protein meal. Then have your steak a few hours later wi veggies. As others are saying before bed, eat a ton of cottage cheese. Think about it you are going to fast when you sleep and as a result your body won't have nutrients for a lengthy period of time. Cottage cheese is especially good at night for its slow absorbing protein effects.

Make changes to your diet based on your weight and calorie requirements. A lot of people don't get the results that they want from gear and complain. The reason is because they don't eat as much as they think they are eating. This should help you put on 15 lbs. My .02

yeah this guy is def right. i'd haul ass at the dinner table till you feel like taking a dump or start sweating while finishing off your meals. Thennnn you know your gonna grow no matter what!!:molepoke:
today i ate like crazy so far, although i will have to work on changing up my diet, i dont have some of the foods that some had suggested i eat above but i do plan on getting these and improving my diet. i gaver shit today at the gym and everything went good , although i did legs today and now the quad i injected in is pretty sore. im thinking this is just because i worked it out today because i didnt feel the thing before
so i see no ones still following this thread. but ill post anyways. today was my second pin everything went good, after my first pin my whole right quad really hurt pretty bad for 2 days but today its fine i guess that was the virgin muscle. i changed up my diet an have been pounding the food till my stomach couldnt take anymore. im already up sbout 5 lbs!!