First Cycle, Test Cyp & Masteron Prop

Iron Zues

New member
Age: 20
Weight: 195

Okay so here it is, Starting Pinning a little under 3 weeks ago.
600mg Test Cyp every Friday
100mg Masteron Prop every Friday. (Thinking about switching it to 2-3 times a week.)
Currently supplementing with Animal Pak, Milk Thistle, Vitamin B-6 and Fish Oil.
Taking on about 300 grams of protein a day and well over 600 carbs.
Taking Arimidex at .5mg EOD
I havent seen any major effects yet except the major bloating, However I'm beggining to notice nice pumps at the gym and my energy level has increased.
I'm planning to PCT by using Nolvadex every day at 25mg two weeks after my last pin.

Let me know what you guys think and any advice is greatly appreciated !

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