First cycle Test E advice please


New member
So I've finally decided to do some gear and have a few questions since I'm going at this alone. I already have what i need, I'm just looking for a nice solid schedule. I've looked through a ton of other posts and they only seem to confuse me more.

Stats: 31 years old
6ft 170lbs

Diet: 4000 Calories 40/40/20 (clean bulk)

Whats i have:

1 Vial of Test E 300 mg/ml
1 Vial of Test E 450 mg/ml
1 Bottle of Liquid Arimdex 1mg/ml
1 Bottle of Nolva/Tamox 20mg/ml
2 Small Vials of HCG

I also have a bottle of Xtreme Mass by A.T. (methyl sten 2 17a-dimethyl-5a-androsta-1en-17b-ol-3-one)

I'm looking to run a 12 week cycle of Test E @ 600 a week (300x2 E3.5D). However I'm interested in Front loading but cant get a solid consensus on how to do it right. Some people say double the dosage the first week, some say double the dosage for 2 weeks, some people want you to divide shit, some say to to use Test P, some say Front load with Deca, some say it all depends of the half life...
basically It's left me with no clear understanding on how to properly FrontLoad Test E. For all i know i can Front Load with the Xtreme Mass?

I know a typical cycle would look something like:

1-12 Test E @ 300x2 (EO3.5D)
3-12 Arimidex @ .25mg (EO3.5D)

14-17 Nolva/Tamox 20/20/20/20
14-17 HCG 1000ius

I'll more than likely also add a bottle of lean extreme to help with cortisol control as well as a natural test booster to the PCT.

I'm mainly looking to solidify the cycle, set it in stone and start this already. And again, please help me with figuring out Front Loading.
And keep in mind this is my first cycle and i dont have anyone i can rely on for help or questions.. other than you guys so please dont burn me for all the noob shit.

Thanks in advance.
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It means one Vial of Test E is 450 mg/ml and the other Vial is 300 mg/ml. And considering you just said HCG isn't recommended for PCT... wow
Your gear sounds fake by the mg/ml.
You dont use hcg for pct.
you need to read up on the stickies a bit bro then come back and re think your cycle
Loads of help.. thanks for all the solid advice. Everyones so nice. My cycle is completely set now with all this information.
Yes my gear is fake, hcg according to THIS website is ALSO used for PCT, or during cycle, or during the last few weeks of the cycle, its insane how someone might actually get confused by the constant contradictions, hence why im asking for help instead of browsing other cycles with other opinions, all of which turns into some battle of the brains because everyone seems to know more than everyone else, and everyone contradicts each other. Take this, no take this at this time, no youre wrong, take this instead, no... theyre all wrong, youre suposed to do it like this.
It means one Vial of Test E is 450 mg/ml and the other Vial is 300 mg/ml. And considering you just said HCG isn't recommended for PCT... wow

That sounds like it will give you some big-time PIP.

By the way, HCG is not recommending during pct because it is suppressive to the HPTA. The whole point of pct is to get your HPTA working again. If you found something on this website that says to use HCG during PCT, it is outdated. No need for you to get mad at the guys trying to help you.
I don't care what u do. I know I would never do that. If your going to give me and everybody else shit for your lack of research then so be it. I'm not posting threads asking questions. In fact, I've never posted a thread asking questions. I research instead bud...
8) Can I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) only for Pct?
No you shouldn't. It is better than nothing, but Clomid or Nolva are far better plans. Since Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mimics LH, your body won't begin producing its own LH, as it sees no need to because test levels are high. You stop the HCG, your balls stop making test until your body begins producing adequate levels of its own LH, and that may take a while if you don't use Clomid or nolvadex to stimulate LH production. The use of Clomid or Nolvadex should also be continued at least 2 weeks after Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is discontinued to avoid the v causing problems.

9) Can I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle and when?
Yes you can, imo to best benefit from Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is to run it by the last 3-4 weeks of your steroid cycle. Do not run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if you're getting signs of gyno, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will make it worst, so be careful.

10) How much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is needed during cycle and/or pct?
For pct a minimum of 10,000 IU's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is needed. When you have a proper pct planned with a serm and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and you want to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the last 4 weeks of your cycle, then you might only need 5,000iu's.
An anti-estrogen (Nolva, etc.) is to be used with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during your last 4 weeks of cycle.
It's frustrating. Hence why there's so many "new cycle help" questions. If all the answers we needed were already on this forum we wouldn't be asking questions. And instead of receiving help we're treated like idiots that have no disregard for our health. I've read, and read and read and read, and no matter how much I read I'm not going to pin until I have some reassurance that I'm not going to jack myself up.
Yea, if u look in there, it says IMO. That means in my opinion. Like tron said, some of the shit your reading is outdated. I can give u a list of examples that used to be staples during cycles. I've posted this before. Then were a lot of people that did the trial and error thing so that we wouldn't have to.
Thank you. And like I said, I'm not mad just frustrated trying to decipher what is good information, or what's bad. Considering it's my first cycle aside from a couple weak Ph's, I don't have the knowledge to really tell the difference between what's right and wrong.
So 2 questions after reading that beginners guide..

Do you have to run Clomafene citrate
AND Tamoxifen citrate? Looking at other peoples cycles it seems like that's the case, but I recall (I think) back when I was researching Ph's that some people responded better to one over the other. So just find one that your body likes?

Secondly, you can run either exemestane or arimidex right?

And lastly (for now) , do you pin both the test and HCG in the same location? Or do most people alternate glutes for Test and another location for HCG? Or do you mix them together in the same pin?
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Nolva and clomid are tried and true for pct. Either adex or Aromasin are good ais. Each one needs dosed differently. U can pin hcg with test.
Yea I know how important pct is not only for keeping gains but also getting the natural test back in order. I'll order some clomid. would you run HCG through the cycle or just the last 4 weeks?
So I've been doing some research on wether or not to pin once a week or twice a week with TestE. Consensus seems to be that it doesn't matter because it has a long half life. I'd rather pin oncexa week but... It seems like that's only an option when you're not taking HCG? HCG's half life is something thing like 36 hours. So even if I were to pin test E on e a week, it's seems I'd still have to pin HCG often which defeats pinning less in general.

Does this sound right?
Again, I don't know where your getting your info but test e is pinned every 3.5 days. Like Monday morning and Thursday night.
Loads of help.. thanks for all the solid advice. Everyones so nice. My cycle is completely set now with all this information.
Yes my gear is fake, hcg according to THIS website is ALSO used for PCT, or during cycle, or during the last few weeks of the cycle, its insane how someone might actually get confused by the constant contradictions, hence why im asking for help instead of browsing other cycles with other opinions, all of which turns into some battle of the brains because everyone seems to know more than everyone else, and everyone contradicts each other. Take this, no take this at this time, no youre wrong, take this instead, no... theyre all wrong, youre suposed to do it like this.

Quite the temper there, keyboard warrior.

Get your shit together before you start injecting more shit.