First Cycle Test E Advice Welcomed


New member
Aloha all!

I am looking to get some help/suggestions for my first cycle that I am going to be doing. I am going to be keeping my first cycle fairly simple and sticking to just Test e. I have heard too many stories about people doing too much, or too little and think this is a good starting place. I am 23 years old, and the reason that I am doing a cycle so early is because I am about to be put on TRT for the rest of my life anyway. I was born with only 1 testicle so my test levels have always been lower compared to normal, and this last year the doctor finally realized this so they want to start me on TRT anyways so i figure I might as well do my first cycle, and then cruise on the TRT afterwards.

My Current Stats:
Height: 6'2
Weight: 215(~18%)
Lifting Experience: 5 years
Sample Current lifts: 405x8 Squat(Parallel), 245x8 Incline Bench, 8x100lbsNeutral Pullups

Week 1-12: Test E 600mg(Split between two 300mg pins)
PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25

AI: Arimidex on Hand, thinking about taking .25mg EOD

I want to end up around the same weight, maybe a little bit higher, but I want to get my bodyfat down to about 10%. This is going to be for both size and strength focussed. I am going to keep my routine the same, unless I get advised to switch it up.

Lifting Routine is going to be a Push/Pull/Legs/Push/Pull/Arms Rest.
Cardio will be 6x per week on the Stairmaster for 30 minutes.

Diet is where I need the most help as far as on cycle goes. When cutting naturally i keep my fats slightly more elevated otherwise my T levels would become non-existant. So now that I will be pinning Test e I assume I can keep them low. I am thinking about cycling my carbs at 150, 150, 300, 500. Keeping Protein at 300grams and keeping my fats minimal.

I am aiming at doing a complete transformation with this cycle. I am sure that my body will become a machine once it gets the test levels that it never had before. Any other Guidance or tips would be appreciated.
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You have got a grasp on a 1 st cycle and that s good. 600x12 is just right and u r low test.

I do need to ask or point out that ur doc s gonna prescribe test to get ur level s up to normal for a 23 year old but you do realize it will involve follow up appointment s until he gets the lab levels HE wants and this involves covering his ass...he most certainly will not tell u " Here s a rx for x a week. See u in a year. It ll be more like see u for the next pin...then next month or 60 day s when he s good with u injecting correctly.

I am not crashing your party but making sure or, asking u how ur gonna explain test level s of 1500- 2500 maybe plus ? He willl know and unless he s a buddy won t run dual files like Eugene does for me.

1 other point...dropping 6 point s in 12 weeks is nigh impossible w o ( I m o ) super strict dieting involving serious caloric deficits and even with aas..catabolism. U got good lift s and a shot at trt. Patience at 23 is really hard my man but if u want trt..slow ur roll and decide on
A cycle now or trt. Pulling them both off is just about impossible. I do think in time u can do a total re comp but it s more like 6-8 months..but only you know you and your doc.

We ll def. assist when u decide.

Get on trt, clean up ur diet, live on trt till ur off the leash of lab s every quarter or 6 months away.
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U need to start ur own thread Sir and I us we them, wil assist. No hi jacking...savvy ?

Awesome advice I really appreciate it! And Yes I am going to get the details on how the TRT is going to work, I know that they are going to start me off with injecting myself due to the job that I have(HS Teacher), since I cant make it to a hospital during work hours. But it most likely will be on the monthly. I am good at dieting, but i realized that that is pretty steep haha. I really want to do a cycle, its hard to wait since im already low T and I want to see where my strength and size can get me with assistance.
Sounds like a good cycle, if I were you I would wait until your 25 or 26 however your choice. Definitely take some on cycle ancillaries, for your prostate, cholesterol and blood pressure... These are natural herbs that help
I have Aromasin and Adex for during the cycle. What ancillaries would you suggest for prostate, cholesterol and BP?
Sal Palm metto for prostate, red yeast rice for cholesterol, hawthorn berry for blood pressure and if your not already taking fish oil do milk thistle and a multivitamin.. I did that in my 1st test e cycle and I was great
A pre cycle blood panel , mid cycle and post pct blood panel s are the best way to see exactly what s up. All those sup s are good and the logic sound behind them.
I still am going through the talks with the doctor but I havent made official decision yet. Just incase I ordered some Cycle Support: On Cycle Protection & Liver Assist - by Iron Labs Nutrition.

N-Acetyl-L-Cystenine - 900mg
Milk Thistle - 825mg
Hawthorn Berry - 400mg
Saw Palmetto - 200mg
Celery Seed Extract - 100mg
Grape Seed Extract - 100mg
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) - 100mg
Pantothenic Acid - 45mg
Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate) - 20mg
Policosanol - 20mg
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL) - 10mg

I ordered enough for a full cycle and PCT length Supply. I take a fish oil, Multi vitamin, Calcium/mag/Zinc, and also a probiotic everyday. I also have a full pre blood panel done and it looks amazing said the doctor(Besides the Test which is abysmally low. I am a 22y.o with a Test in the 100's. Free test was way below normal as well. HAve all my materials on hand to be able to start the cycle, and can store them in a cool dark space out of vision if i decide to start later. Out of sight, out of mind, cause just looking at the bottles has me like :chimney:
Welcome to the board, belated ! :wavey: You got some good advice from Teut here. You really need those BW labs. Don't keep the AI on hand, use it. It is to balance your Estradiol. You don't wait for a problem to plug it in. When you inject exogenous Test and you levels go up so will the Estrogen level follow.
Welcome to the board, belated ! :wavey: You got some good advice from Teut here. You really need those BW labs. Don't keep the AI on hand, use it. It is to balance your Estradiol. You don't wait for a problem to plug it in. When you inject exogenous Test and you levels go up so will the Estrogen level follow.

Thank you brotha! Rajah on the BW labs, and yea going to run the AI from the get go. Betta safe than sorry!