First cycle, Test E + Dbol


New member
21 y/o
176 lbs around 13-15% bf

So far my cycle is as follows:
weeks 1-8 500mg Test E (250 twice a week)
weeks 1-3 30mg dbol/day
weeks 9-10 nothing
weeks 11-14 nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/25/25

I have considered running test for 10 weeks and dbol for 4, but as this is my first cycle i've been told by a few too keep it at what i currently have

would you recommend running liver cleanse after dbol or while still on? i've heard it can suppress the dbol if you take it while on it

What do you guys think? really appreciate any feedback
Wait 2 more years. You're too young.
But if you gonna do it anyways.

Extend it to 10-12 weeks.
Drop Dbol, you have to see how your body reacts to test. If you gonna have problems, you won't know what compound causes problems. Estrogen contol is also easier without dbol. Start slow, one compound at a time. It's highly recommended to do test only for the 1st cycle.

Clomid: 75/50/50/50

What AI are you planning to use? Are you going to use hCG?

Once again, it's very possible that your body is still developing. At least get X-rays, some people grow taller at your age.