First Cycle Test E/EQ/HCG

Phil Alrite

New member
This is my first post here, but I have been reading these forums for a while.

Background: I have been working out heavily for almost 10 years.
191 lbs.
27 years old
16% BF

This will be my first true cycle, and I have been researching for a while. This cycle seems like a good, short but sweet starter.

I am wanting to run:
8 Week Cycle
Test E/500mg/wk
EQ/300mg - 2x/wk (600mg/wk total)
HCG/500IU - Starting in 2nd wk

PCT of 4 or 5 weeks will be:
Nolva/30 mg/day
Aromasine (Exedrol) - not sure of the dosing for this.

Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
This is my first post here, but I have been reading these forums for a while.

Background: I have been working out heavily for almost 10 years.
191 lbs.
27 years old
16% BF

This will be my first true cycle, and I have been researching for a while. This cycle seems like a good, short but sweet starter.

I am wanting to run:
8 Week Cycle
Test E/500mg/wk
EQ/300mg - 2x/wk (600mg/wk total)
HCG/500IU - Starting in 2nd wk

post cycle therapy (pct) of 4 or 5 weeks will be:
Nolva/30 mg/day
Aromasine (Exedrol) - not sure of the dosing for this.

Any advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

You're going to get ppl to tell you only run test e your first cycle bc you want to learn how your body reacts to it before experimenting with other compounds. You don't know how much your body will aromatize test by itself, you need to figure out proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosing, see if you have any adverse effects etc. you can't pinpoint what's causing problems if you have more than one compound and no prior experience with either. I'd stick to just test E 500-600mg/wk split in two doses: 250mg Tuesday and 250mg Saturday or whatever days you pick. Also test e will fully kick in around wk 6. If you run an 8wk cycle you'll see benefits for only 2wks. Make it a 12-14wk cycle.

You need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for any cycle with compounds that convert to estrogen. Testosterone will certainly require this. Get arimidex or aromasin for this and look up dosing suggestions.

Start HCG Day 1 at 250iu 2x/wk. take aromasin out of your post cycle therapy (pct) it's not a post cycle therapy (pct) compound. You can use it on cycle for your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and to keep estrogen down and estrogenic sides down. Nolva could be run like that I Guess but never seen it at 30mg specifically. And add clomid to post cycle therapy (pct) 50/50/25/25
Thanks for the input!

I actually will be running this for 10 weeks, I wrote down 8 on my notes and realized it after you said something.
I will also be front loading EQ (1200/wk) for the first 2 weeks.

I understand that it may be better to stick with one thing for your first set, but the EQ and HCG are more for the side effect than anything else.

HCG is not only to prevent testicular atrophy. The body uses cholesterol with progesterone to make test. When you take test you shut down and build up a massive amount of cholesterol in your body. Taking HCG mimics the LH hormone which makes you produce more test and means the cholesterol will get used and prevent accumulation.

The EQ front loaded will cause blood levels to increase faster which will cause the cycle to kick in faster. It also helps prevent injury because it strengthens the tendons.
This is my opinion on the cycle apart from the fact its a first cycle and you don't need anything but test.
Nothing wrong with front loading but personally I find it is a waste, and front loading EQ won't only increase blood levels but can also skyrocket your BP and RBC, but that's my personal opinion
A 10 week cycle? Why did you choose EQ, you do realize you wont start to see the EQ benefit before approximately week 8(even when frontloading) so your gonna get full EQ effect for 2 weeks, again a waste of product in my opinion. EQ should be run a minimum 14-15 weeks which is definitely not a good idea for a first cycle with multiple compounds.

Not sure where you heard front loading will make a cycle kick in faster but if that were true don't you think everyone would be frontloading long esters.. All it will do is cause a spike in blood levels and when it kicks in as normal your gonna have a up down effect in blood levels which can lead to more sides than normal meaning you would need to play with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosing to control shit. Bad idea on a first cycle as you have no clue how your body is going to react to the compounds and AI.
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I agree completely with Kaz here. You will not get a kick start by frontloading, the metabolic rate of the compound is determined by the ester mainly. You could front load at 1200mg but it won't kick in any faster, it'll just kick in harder when it kicks in, which again is the same time. I'd just drop the EQ bro.

D you have experience interpreting blood work? Do you plan on even getting blood work? Do you know EQ IS ONE OF THE WORST compounds in terms of how it affects your RBC's and HCT levels causing polycythemia, clogged arteries and veins, blood clots, etc? Do you know how to lower RBC'S and HCT if necessary which will be pretty much a sure thing? If you don't know these things you really have no business running EQ and as mentioned before, stick to test alone.

Also EQ IN MINIMAL DOSES CAN HAVE A STRENGTHENING AFFECT ON TENDONS. There is nothing minimal about a 1200mg frontload and even a 500mg/wk dose. Even testosterone have an adverse affect on bones and tendon strength with anything higher than a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose. I don't know where you got your information from but I can provide you with the relavent studies. And if you try to provide evidence to the contrary please let it be credible evidence, not a article or something off Wikipedia. I'm talking scientific PEER REVIEWED studies. Like I said, if you're interested in good long reading ill provide links but I expect the same from you, credible links.

I never said HCG was only for testicular atrophy. I know cholesterol is a base for hormonal production but what you're failing to understand is Youre taking exogenous testosterone. Not only will this cause suppression of natural testosterone with or without HCG but you're getting supra physiological levels by injecting it, the 2.5-11mg/day you make naturally totals up to 77mg/wk tops. Is this really what your concerned about? An extra 77mg/wk. the other thing you're missing is that testosterone CAN be made by cholesterol and progesterone BUT ITS NOT THE PREFERRED PATHWAY NOR IS IT THE ONLY THING THAT CAN BE MADE. The preffered method for testosterone production is cholesterol to pregnenolone to 17-hydropregnenolone to DHEA which them makes testosterone from androstenadiol or androstenedione. When testosterone is made from progesterone it means the pregnenolone is being "robbed" from making DHEA since DHEA can only be made from pregnenolone and thus the pathway is hydroxyprogesterone to androstenidione to testosterone. The problem with this is since progesterone is being made to estrogen and testosterone, it's ability to make cortiso amd aldosteronel is impaired (these are necessary hormones). The other mistake is to assume ONLY testosterone is being made from cholesterol. In fact cholesterol can make aldosterone, cortisol, estradiol, estrone, DHEA and many other hormones. How do you know which one you're making? You assume it's testosterone but in reality it is many hormones including estrogen.

View attachment 551834

The Endocrine Journey: Steroidal Hormones & Their Pathways
88.05.04: The Effects that the Following Hormones (Testosterone, Estrogen, and Progesterone) Have on the Human Body

And finally the last thing you assume is how it affects cholesterol levels. Testosterone usually influences HDL more than LDL and its LDL that's used for testosterone and other hormonal production, so how does increasing test production with HCG prevent accumulation? It's your LDL levels that create test and other hormones but usually HDL that gets affected by testosterone use??? Doesn't make sense. Now LDL can also be affected but testosterone Can lowers LDL, again how's it being accumulated? And finally if your worried about cholesterol on cycle so much, you want higher estrogen levels than normal because estrogens have a favorable impact on cholesterol. This will have a greater effect on cholesterol than trying to use it to make testosterone which is a double assumption bc you don't know if testosterone is being made or another hormone and than you assume it's LDL not HDL.

***8220;important to note that estrogens can have a favorable impact on cholesterol profiles. The aromatization of testosterone to estradiol may, therefore***8221;

Excerpt From: Llewellyn, William. ***8220;Anabolics.***8221; iBooks.
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What everyone else already said. 12+ weeks of test only, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, Nolva AND Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I hate to disagree with Doc, but I think starting HCG at about 2 weeks is good. There's no harm is starting at day one, but there's also no need, because you're not suppressed yet. At least that's my opinion.
Phil, I'm not trying to be a dick by any means man, but there's a lot of stuff you have to research before starting a cycle and its advised to do it BEFORE you cycle.

What everyone else already said. 12+ weeks of test only, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, Nolva AND Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I hate to disagree with Doc, but I think starting HCG at about 2 weeks is good. There's no harm is starting at day one, but there's also no need, because you're not suppressed yet. At least that's my opinion.

No need to always agree my friend, we're each entitled to our opinions and much of this game as much guess-work as it is science. I'd prefer day one but you could start 2wks too. See what I did there ;) lmao. Besides HCG use I see we both are in agreement on the other stuff :)