First cycle. Test E full layout.


New member
23 Y/o, 6ft, 185lb.

So after receiving bad advice on taking Tren a and test prop for my fist ever cycle, I have been told to do a little more research, which seems to be getting quite difficult with all the conflicting information. So here's what I've come up with.

Weeks 1-12
Test E 500mg PW (mon,thurs)
Arimidex (on hand I case gyno begins)
HCG weeks 4-12 1000ui PW (one injection PW)

PCT 2 weeks after last pin, for one month
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Novla 40/40/20/20

Is this all I need for a health cycle, I keep seeing the term blood works as well does this mean blood test?
yep, get a pre cycle, mid cycle, and 2 months after PCT blood test.

most guys use or a similar site. the female hormone panel covers what we need for basic bloods.
Arimidex isn't something you keep on hand in case of gyno. It actually does nothing if you get gyno. It manages estrogen and prevents things like gyno. Better do more research...
I did read that also, but I also read that if you start to notice gyno (bitch tits) taking arimidex will suppress your estrogen levels preventing it. To take a regulate dose of arimidex could leave you falling short on estrogen levels which is also bad.

Do you agree with that statement?
I did read that also, but I also read that if you start to notice gyno (bitch tits) taking arimidex will suppress your estrogen levels preventing it. To take a regulate dose of arimidex could leave you falling short on estrogen levels which is also bad.

Do you agree with that statement?

That's like saying: if your dick starts itching, pee starts burning and you're developing hives and breakouts with warts in the tip of your dick, start wearing a condom.

No bro, Adex is to manage estro to NOT begin to get bitch tits. Once you get bitch tits, it's on and Adex won't do shit. Then you're gonna have to fuck with Raloxifine and hope that helps, then if not you're gonna have to take Letro at an UNCOMFORTABLE dose every day and feel like you get hit by a bus EVERY DAY. Life on .50mg+ of Letro a day is miserable.
So other than I need to take arimidex 0.5mg EOD does everything else seem in check for my fist cycle?
sounds good, get pre, during and post blood tests, if your concerned get xray to see if growth plates have stoped growing, i would reccoment arimidex .25 EOD week 1- just before pct because you want to prevent gyno not wait for it then try prevent. up the dosage of arimidex if needed.

Check out my first cycle forum:

Let me know any suggestions
Thanks, seems like we are in a similar situation. I just wish it was written out somewhere exactly what you need to take rather than lost of opinions contradicting each other. Probably going to do some more research, and I doubt I will do bloods. I know it sounds ridiculous but I can't stand the thought of drawing my own blood.