First Cycle .. TEST E Is here :) LOG


New member
So then.. Its finally here .. its time ..

After alot of research Iam ready.

Stats: I'm 24, 180 lbs, 10% body fat 5'9

My Diet is going to be a 1000 calorie surplus so a 2lbs gain a week.

Protein intake will be 1.5g/ Lb

My workout consists of 3 FULL body workouts a week and 2 Kickboxing sessions. Deciding whether to keep the same or change

I Log PR's even if it means more reps on a weight, So will defo be looking forward to strength gain

Just got my Test E. It said TestoBolin on the box and its Alpha Pharma all packed up nice and neat (hows this brand?)

Got 2 boxes of 10ml.

Already have post cycle therapy (pct) Nolva and Chlomid.

I'm going to start on Monday if i get Arimadex by then. If not this monday then next monday Only if I have arimadex

How i'm running this cycle :

Because i only have 20ml this is how it will b, your welcome to comment (you are the pro's after all)

Week 1 and 2 : 250mg/1ml a week
Week 3 to 10 : 500mg/2ml a week
Week 11 and 12: 250mg/1ml a week

Week 13 and 14 break

Week 15 to week 18 : post cycle therapy (pct)
Chlomid- 100/50/50/50 (Confused about the 100 first week, Feel free to comment)
Nolva- 40/40/20/20

Arimadex will be run EOD at 0.5mg
Im gyno prone so just to make sure :)

Does everything look ok? il Keep everyone updated as any big changes happen, Definitely for the first few pins and when it kicks in il be posting.

I'm excited and cant wait quite nervous too for the first pin :)

My cousin who's done a few cycles will be pinning so i'l Learn it off him.

My question: When should i start and stop the Arimadex... Thanks!
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Start adex from day 1. End the day before post cycle therapy (pct). You can just run the clomid 50/50/50/50. It will work fine like that and keep the nolva the same. If youre gyno prone, have nolva or letro on hand in case it flares up. Best of luck
Start adex from day 1. End the day before post cycle therapy (pct). You can just run the clomid 50/50/50/50. It will work fine like that and keep the nolva the same. If youre gyno prone, have nolva or letro on hand in case it flares up. Best of luck

thanks for the first response!

About the adex... I read that to start it about 2 weeks in to the cycle for when the test E kicks in, whats your views on that?

Chlomid is changing to 50 first week (was 100)

What you think of The dosages split out in 12 weeks, i was going to do 10 weeks at first but decided to spread it out. As when iam coming off i thought it would be easier on my body by being 250mg>>shut down instead of 500mg >>shut down.. Dont know if im making sense but thats the idea i had.
I did that and it snuck up on me and i got bloated by the second week and it sucked! But i was also doing 500mg weekly at the time. Since youre only doing 250mg you should be ok the first 2 weeks. Me personally, i'll be taking it from day 1 to control estro from the start from now on. the doses may work for you. I personally would have enough for 500mg for 12 weeks, but thats just me
Whats your guys thoughts on starting at 250mg first weeks and then ending that way as well say to taper off like hes doing?

Im asking cause I will be doing my first cycle in the near future and was thinking of doing something similar, mostly for me to see how the first shots go and to taper off at the end...whats you reasons for starting slow Superdry?
Whats your guys thoughts on starting at 250mg first weeks and then ending that way as well say to taper off like hes doing?

Im asking cause I will be doing my first cycle in the near future and was thinking of doing something similar, mostly for me to see how the first shots go and to taper off at the end...whats you reasons for starting slow Superdry?

TBH i dont have enough for 12 week 500mg a week.

Only have two boxes of 10ml

Thats the reason i spreaded it out if i had the full cycle then i would of done it full 500MG a week 1-12.

Things may change though and il keep everyone updated, might put half towards another box with a friend.

My friend whos done 2-3 cycles in the past with Test,SUS,DBOL and Tren is advising me not to use Adex EOD and only use if symptoms show.

He also advising me not to use PCT and to just take a shot of HCG

I really want to use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) EOD and full PCT with no HCG...

What you guys think?
And my friend whos going to be pinning me said it would be best to do it in the shoulders first rather than the legs as they are alot of nerves in the leg.

Monday its hapening!
And whats a worse feeling when coming off Test..

a)Having low T for a while until PCT
b)Or a Nasty Hangover from hell
There is no need to taper the dose on the test so just run 500mg/week for 10 weeks. Then start the nolva/clomid pct two weeks after your last pin. Run the adex every other day. Also glutes are an easy place to pin and not very painful.
Sardis said what you need bro. Don't taper, go 500mg/week. Pin your glutes Mon-Thurs=500/wk. And the post cycle therapy (pct) looks good... Warm your vials and change the needle after loading. You'll be G2G . Good Luck Brother....
get more T, muscle takes real time to grow 12 weeks really should be a minimum requirement ,even 400 a week for 10 is better

My friend whos done 2-3 cycles in the past with Test,SUS,DBOL and Tren is advising me not to use Adex EOD and only use if symptoms show.

He also advising me not to use post cycle therapy (pct) and to just take a shot of HCG

I really want to use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) EOD and full post cycle therapy (pct) with no HCG...

What you guys think?

hcg is up to you, but DEFINITELY DO THE post cycle therapy (pct). Use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from day 1 or wait until week 2 like you wanted. Dont wait until shit starts happening
Thanks everyone for the helpful comments..

Iam going to buy some more to make it a full 12 week cycle of 500mg a week

Iam ready to go Bring on monday :)

Whats your views on a 1000 calorie surplus instead of a 500 calorie surplus?
Iam going to come clean iam 21 not 24
and iam 150lbs not 180lbs

i lied to get your advice.

I was so close to taking test e tommorrow.

But ive managed to talk my self out of it ... I cant do it, its not my thing injecting my self, taking Rat lab stuff (liquid aromasin), Taking cancer patient tablets (PCT) and womens pee (HCG) risks of being allergic, PIP, risk of test not bouncing back. high blood pressure.

the thought of all this was just to much for me thinking i can do it naturally .

So yeah Iam Dropping out. I just want to be me No one else. dont want all these chemicals in my body.

Iam going to keep it Natural and try my hardest to get an amazing body to prove to my self what can be done without AAS.

Thank you for all your advice anyway.