First cycle test e/prop....advice please


New member
After months maybe years of reading and considering doing a cycle I am now commited to running a beginners cycle. First I will post my stats so that those weighing in now where i am currently. I am 5'11 172lbs and 26 years of age. I am about 10% BF and have been lifting for 4 years consistent 3-4 times per week and on and off before that for at least another 5.

My cycle i have mapped out as of right now is a 15 week cycle dosed as follows:

week 1-15 test E 250mg Mon + Thurs

week 1-4 test prop 75mg Mon/Wed/Fri

Nolva 20mg tabs on hand (I am one of the cursed that had gyno naturally and had to have surgery this year to get it taken care of, 8 years of my life with it!)

clomid at 50mg a day as PCT for 3 weeks

Diet is not going to be a strict as i would like due to schedule but i am aiming for 200-300 grams of protein 150-200 grams carbs and 100 grams of fat.

Thanks in advance for any imput you guys have to offer and i will document and post the results when the cycle begins and ends.
Since your gyno prone I would run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the start. Aromasin at 12.5 ed would be good for you. Run it all the way through PCT. The prop should be at least EOD rather than MWF. PCT two weeks after your last inject. Run the clomid for 4 weeks instead of 3. Carbs look very low if your trying to put on size. I would post your diet in the diet section and get some advice there.
since it is suggested i run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the whole cycle think it might me better to drop to 10mg tabs or should i stick with 20mg daily? As for the diet i will try and up both the carbs and protein, i jusst hope my appetite can keep up.