First Cycle (test E)


New member
hey guys im about to start my first cycle in a couple of weeks.. so lets get down to it
here is a little about me
male 23, been lifting since 19 on and off but the last 18 months i have been lifting seriously 4 nights a week.
when i was 21 i was 65kg and i am currently 78kg (yes naturally!)

I am well aware of the importance of diet and i have maintained a solid high calorie diet over the past 18 months and my weight speaks for itself.

I will be undertaking this cycle under the supervision of a mate who is a body builder and the following cycle is what he recommended

Week 1 250mg Sustanon (sust) *thursday
Week 1-10 Test E 500mg thursday/monday (250mg each)
Week 5-9 Test P 200mg thursday/monday (100mg each)
Week 1-10 Arimidex 0.5 eod *im paranoid*
Week 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu thursday/monday
Week 12-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 12-13 DNP 300mg ED
Week 14-15 DNP 500mg ED

PLEASE NOTE: EDIT : I have added test p to my cycle see above.. because i got hold of some for free

here is a pic taken a few days ago .. and will serve as my b4 cycle pic
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cheers did alot of research and got alot of advice and mate said this shud be pretty solid.. will update after first pin or as ppl comment on here... just depends alot coz im busy with work and studies
hey guys just a quick question before i get everything locked in 100%... i am wanting to lose some bf ... would you recommend adding any other compounds to this cycle but in the last 5 weeks? perhaps clen or privo? ... taking note that im in australia and we are going into winter now.. so i will deff be doin another cycle before summer.. do you think i shud save the other compounds for the next cycle? dont think il have my shirt off in winter haha.. but i am wanting to drop bf.. i can also get some DNP.. shud i just use that a month or two after pct?
No bro,save the other stuff for the next one.
You have a solid cycle here that you will make decent gains in muscle mass but if you want to cut switch up diet and training.
IMO just do this one you have layed out eat big train heavy and down the road if you do another one gear it more towards the dryer leaner look.
cool i think il do that... and il maintain a high cal diet for this cycle and the couple months after it.. shud be all ready to pin on 5th april :) and what do u guys suggest pin morning or evening?
I have read on these forums that its best to pin soon after a shower. Also good to stretch a bit before pinning.

All the best

cool i think il do that... and il maintain a high cal diet for this cycle and the couple months after it.. shud be all ready to pin on 5th april :) and what do u guys suggest pin morning or evening?
cheers for that will prob do it in morning after shower this comin thursday :) wooo wooo
also edited the cycle and will run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) frm week 1-10 instead of 5-10
and also added 250mg*1ml of Sustanon (sust) for first pin to frontload .. reason for that is because my test E only comes in 10ml and i didnt want to get a 3rd.. also running arimidex 1-10 instead of 4-10
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Did first shot of test today and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) went well and was surprisingly easy straight into quads with no pain.. Didn't do the Sustanon (sust) today coz didn't have enuf sharps but will do it on monday with test :) worked bis and tris today and all went to plan.. Been making sure diet has been spot on as well as sleep.. Will update on monday night
todays thursday... going to hit shoulders and back.. skipped legs this week coz friday the gym is closed for easter... feeling a little discomfort in my right leg but its not bad at all.. just annoying when i lift my leg or climb up stairs .. like a bruise basically.. going to inject 250mg of Sustanon (sust) today and will do 250mg TEST E monday and thurs from next week
Shot the Sustanon (sust) at 5pm and hit gym at 6 worked shoulders and bak and did a pb on military press 80kg :) but that wasn't bcoz of the test... Hit a nerve when shooting the Sustanon (sust) and now my left leg hurts and my right is starting to hurt from yesterday but nothing too bad :) going to rest all weekend and hit chest on monday :)
Looks like you've got a good base for your first cycle bro keep the protein high and you'll grow like a weed.
Monday ... Did test shot in the morning aswell as hcg... Smooth sailing and hit the gym... I think I'm feeling the gear becoz I managed to pb onflat dunbell press.. Last week I only cud do 5 reps at 37.5 today I managed 8 reps at 40kg and 3 reps at 42.5 :) also busting a nut a lot more often the last couple of days.. Noticing slightly more aggression aswell and am snapping at my brother more than usual :) cant wait to feel full effects in a week or 2 :D
Tuesday... Worked for 12hours on my feet.. Right quad still hurtin from yesterdays shot.. Worked legs and now they are like jelly haha love it :) also feelin a lot more hornyer today.. Thinking of upping adex to everyday coz I can notice some bloat any opinions?
Wednesday... Hit the gym after work .. Legs hurtin from yesterdays workout .. Not lookin forward to pinning tomorrow lol!! Did bis and tris today.. Went up from 17.5 to 20kg on dunbell curls on 4th set so there's another pb :) stepped on the scale today +1kg and I'm looking abit bigger in the mirror aswell.. Bent down to pick up a pen at work and ripped my shirt!!! Lol made my day! Diet is going very well! Eating 4 large meals a day with around 4-5 shakes in between.. Will update tomorrow after training :) ciao
Thursday shot test n Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shoulders and back workout was same as usual.. Felt wuite agro all day tho.. Takin 3 days off to recover I think I over trained this week will update monday