hey guys im about to start my first cycle in a couple of weeks.. so lets get down to it
here is a little about me
male 23, been lifting since 19 on and off but the last 18 months i have been lifting seriously 4 nights a week.
when i was 21 i was 65kg and i am currently 78kg (yes naturally!)
I am well aware of the importance of diet and i have maintained a solid high calorie diet over the past 18 months and my weight speaks for itself.
I will be undertaking this cycle under the supervision of a mate who is a body builder and the following cycle is what he recommended
Week 1 250mg Sustanon (sust) *thursday
Week 1-10 Test E 500mg thursday/monday (250mg each)
Week 5-9 Test P 200mg thursday/monday (100mg each)
Week 1-10 Arimidex 0.5 eod *im paranoid*
Week 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu thursday/monday
Week 12-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 12-13 DNP 300mg ED
Week 14-15 DNP 500mg ED
PLEASE NOTE: EDIT : I have added test p to my cycle see above.. because i got hold of some for free
here is a pic taken a few days ago .. and will serve as my b4 cycle pic
here is a little about me
male 23, been lifting since 19 on and off but the last 18 months i have been lifting seriously 4 nights a week.
when i was 21 i was 65kg and i am currently 78kg (yes naturally!)
I am well aware of the importance of diet and i have maintained a solid high calorie diet over the past 18 months and my weight speaks for itself.
I will be undertaking this cycle under the supervision of a mate who is a body builder and the following cycle is what he recommended
Week 1 250mg Sustanon (sust) *thursday
Week 1-10 Test E 500mg thursday/monday (250mg each)
Week 5-9 Test P 200mg thursday/monday (100mg each)
Week 1-10 Arimidex 0.5 eod *im paranoid*
Week 1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu thursday/monday
Week 12-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 12-13 DNP 300mg ED
Week 14-15 DNP 500mg ED
PLEASE NOTE: EDIT : I have added test p to my cycle see above.. because i got hold of some for free
here is a pic taken a few days ago .. and will serve as my b4 cycle pic
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