"First cycle" Test, HCG and?


New member
Ok so this is my "first cycle" technically since its been 8 years. I was looking for a sticky but kind of want to hear it from the horses mouth :baby:

12 weeks
Test E - 500mg/wk (250 2x/wk)
HCG - 250iu with every test e injection

PCT (2 weeks after last shot)
Clomafene Citrate (nolvadex) 50mg ED/4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate (clomid) 40mg ED/2 weeks >> 20mg ED/next 2 weeks

Am I missing anything in the actual cycle (other than pre-bloodwork)? 8 years ago I don't remember ever reading about Exemestane or Aromasin on this forum. They do the same thing I think so what one is best?
Yep, just need an Aromatase Inhibitor now and your good. I use Arimadex... Aromasin is fine too. Just make sure you adjust your dosage if necessary once you have your mid cycle bloods and you'll be fine.
Ok so this is my "first cycle" technically since its been 8 years. I was looking for a sticky but kind of want to hear it from the horses mouth :baby:

12 weeks
Test E - 500mg/wk (250 2x/wk)
HCG - 250iu with every test e injection

PCT (2 weeks after last shot)
Clomafene Citrate (nolvadex) 50mg ED/4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate (clomid) 40mg ED/2 weeks >> 20mg ED/next 2 weeks

Am I missing anything in the actual cycle (other than pre-bloodwork)? 8 years ago I don't remember ever reading about Exemestane or Aromasin on this forum. They do the same thing I think so what one is best?
week 1-13 or 14 AI dex 0.25-0.5mg eod I rec
AI- aromatose inhibitor


Prevent your E2/estrdiol getting high.

.25mg every other day. Mid cycle get bloodwork and either lessen or ad more adex depending on E2