first cycle test mast started today


New member
Test e 300 2 a week 10 weeks
Mast 100 every other day 10 weeks
Hcg 2 times a week 250 iu 10 weeks
Anadrol 75mg a week 5 weeks

Pct duh

Just did first shot of test went smooth no pain after a couple minutes felt a tingly and warm sensation everywhere but it soon went away dont no if it was just the shock of the first pin ever or just normal feel fine after 10 minutes anyone else ever experience this.
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Test e 300 2 a week 10 weeks
Mast 100 every other day 10 weeks
Hcg 2 times a week 250 iu 10 weeks
Anavar 75mg a week 5 weeks

Pct duh

Just did first shot of test went smooth no pain after a couple minutes felt a tingly and warm sensation everywhere but it soon went away dont no if it was just the shock of the first pin ever or just normal feel fine after 10 minutes anyone else ever experience this.

Whay do you need HGC from the very first week? As far as know it should be ended close to the middle of the circle.
I had anavar in the post I meant anadrol...I was going to start hcg @ 500iu 2 a week the last five weeks but I was told to start rigyt away @ 250iu 2 a week for the entire duration of the cycle
First shot ever? Or first ever shot of tren?
You're running tren test and anavar on your first cycle..? Or previous cycles have been run?
Hmmm i dont like this set up.

First cycle should be Test only so you can see how your body reacts, although i dont see much harm in running Mast along side, i personally love that stuff and wont cycle with out it. It has great effects on your shbg, freeing up testosterone for you to utilize and it also helps as an AI, although it doesnt take the place of an actual AI.

Id drop the Drol, thats whats putting this fist cycle a lil over the edge, and you test should be ran a minimum of 12 weeks if not 14 and me personally would run Mast longer too. Just my .02 good luck.
Thx for imput bro....def will take in advice to run a bit longer I have a bit extra I just figured it would last atleast 10 weeks....
So here it isbday 2 poked the mast a few moments ago very smooth stuff no pain no jitters like, day 1 when I poked the test I had a tiggling sensation all over aling with a warm feeling but it had quickly subsided, ill chalk that up to nerves and first time pining. but ill will tell you the test e has my leg stiff/soar but no redness or brusing. The mast went perfect though and along with it I took my first .25mg of adex, well going to bed sleep well.
Ok took my second dose of test the other day have some swelling going on and it hurts like he'll.....what r your thoughts on this matter