First Cycle / Thank you to those that take time to help us newb's


New member
I am 37 years old 6' at 205lbs. I have been interested in running a cycle for years and years. I have followed these boards of and on over the years and have really learned alot though I have never pulled the trigger. The time is now. While this will technically be my first cycle it actually isnt. I ran a Test/Dbol cycle about 10 years ago but i didnt do any research or anything like your average idiot.... My trainer hooked me up with the product but never educated me or even talked to me about post cycle therapy (pct) etc.... yeah needless to say he isnt my trainer any longer.

I want to thank all of you for the time you spend on these forums assisting people such as me. I am a professional IT person and I love helping people with that becauase i know it like the back of my hand. I dont know Steriods like the back of my hand so i REALLY appreciate all of your help.

So I am basically taking a cycle I saw from a while back and had saved as a favorite for a bit. Seemed to get solid feedback and be a fairly common cycle.

12 Week Cycle (test E / dbol)
Weeks 1 through 12 Testosterone E at 500mg per week
Monday 250mg = 1.25cc
Thursday 250mg = 1.25cc

Weeks 3 and 4 Pre Load for dbol
1000mg Milk Thistle
1000mg Hawthorn berries
Cycle Assist

Weeks 5 through 8 dbol at 30mg per day
30mg dbol 15mg AM / 15mg PM
Cycle Assist
Milk Thistle
Hawthorn berries
Saw Palmetto
Liver 5.2

post cycle therapy (pct) Support
4 Week post cycle therapy (pct) will begin 2 weeks after the last testosterone shot

Weeks 1 and 2 - 40mg Nolvadex (Day 1 - 60mg)
Weeks 3 and 4 - 20mg Nolvadex
post cycle therapy (pct) Assist
Milk Thistle
Saw Palmetto
Liver 5.2
Suppress C

Please let me know what you think. I am extremely open to feedback. If you think I should run a different Test or of course if you think I should drop the Dbol (Just seemed like i got great strength gains from the Dbol). I realize that I should get Huge gains from the Test alone so like i said I am open to feedback. Thank you to everyone again.

I am very excited to post pics throughout the cycle once i have all my products and let you guys see what you have helped create.