First Cycle want your guys opinion.


New member
This will be my 1st cycle starting in 2 weeks it will consist of Test Cyp 600mg / week for 16 weeks
Deca 400mg / week for 14 weeks and Dbol 40 Mg / ed weeks 1-6 i will have all my ai's on hand and already have my pct lined up my stats are 18 Years of age / 6 feet Tall / 232 Pounds / 11.6% Bodyfat.
My lifts are great for my age being natural my diet will be on point 5000 Calories / day 40% P 40% C 20% Fats will also be running insulin at 20Iu's pwo 5 days a week for weeks 1-4 and will up the calories to 7000 on off days my training is also spot on being that my dad is helping me with routines even though i know how to train he still did 16 shows and knows more than i do so im just asking you guys will thi be a good cycle to put on 20 Lbs lean muscle i would like to be 250 by feb before i start taking Peptides and Gh.
If your stats are legit, then good job man. 230 @ 11% BF is SOLID for 18. ALOT of people here will probably advise against this because of your age.

But I'm a young cycler as well, and as long as you are aware of the consequences of permanently damaging your HTPA and are okay with that, then the choice is yours man. Lets be real here the fact that your are starting out so young, IMO exponentially increases the chances of damaging your HTPA eventaully, because odds are this will not be your only cycle.

This isn't exactly a beginner cycle either, but the choice is yours.

What's your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT protocol?
Thanks guys I really thank you all for your advice and opinions And also thanks for the compliments about my age weight etc took me a along time and alot of hard work eating non stop dieting eating -_- a alot of work gaging food down but i am aware of the risks i am taking with this cycle my goal in life is to try and become a ifbb pro one day and if that means being on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) then o be it as a matter of fact i have already orderd several thousand needles and many bottles of cyp so that when i am done with this cycle i will cruise and prepare for the next cycle even though dbol isnt as bad as halo winstrol etc on your liver i will still be running liv 52 and milk thistle just to be safe i will also be bumping protein up to 2 Grams per pound and also i will be making a cycle log so you guys can see how im doing i will post pics aswell of every bodypart calves chest tris biceps shoulder back abs so you guys can see any and all changes i dont really have any lacking parts so with this cycle im looking to fill in more and possibly hit 260 well i am sure i can hit 260 maybe more.
I'm looking forward to seeing the images. Make sure you get the before image.

Don't think its your first cycle if you're taking that much out of the gate but who am I to decide that? I do think you're going to fuck yourself up and shut your stuff down. Maybe even grow some nice boobies but you may be a machine.

Guess we will see!
it is my first cycle ;P i have no reason to lie to you and also i will have adex on hand and bromo so no titys and definitly no prolactin for me ;P yes i will get shut down i mean of course deca shuts anyone down with as little as 100mg so thats expected i have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which i will run after cycle when the time is right and the deca is out of my system and also i have clomid and nolvadex which i will be tappering down on my pct but i wont be coming off of the test so pct really isnt all that important being that im going to cruise on 200- 250mg of test which will keep my test levels at the high range of a male. im already a machine haha without roids due to my genetics but we will see how it goes ;))) if you can give me any advice on anything maybe there is somthing i do not know and you could help me out i know alot but i have never experianced this yet i only know what i have researched and the books i have read for th4e past 2 years.
Am i the only one who thinks this is bullshit? Get real will way this is for real. If it is, your dad is a fuckin idiot just like you.
Use your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout your cycle, up until post cycle therapy (pct). It's not to have "on hand".
no i did my bad haha i said on hand which leads you to believe im not going to use it lol ;D how much weight do you think i will gain water included on cycle at maybe week 8 or so? like 30 pounds?
I highly doubt 30 lbs by week 8..maybe by week 12 if your really putting down some grub. Still, 30 lbs. is alot of weight.

Im nearly at week 8 of a 500mg test cycle and right now up 15 lbs, eating a large caloric surplus, everyone will respond differently.
king you know after talking with a couple of my older friends from the gym which are all monsters i think im going to wait until maybe december to do this cycle and instead im going to run test enth and tren enth for 12 weeks adding masteron at week 6 and also running winstrol a little in there prop going to do 600 mg test week and 700 mg of tren week my friends are trying to have me throw in some eq but i told them im only 18 lol im not trying to juice myself to death lmfao! anyways i think thats wha i am going to do alot of people say dont do tren on your first run but im gonna do it so ;P any advice and what will i expect with tren well i kind of know alrdy i just like hearing it from experianced users xD
View attachment 553485 This is a little pic of me being an idiot i will take better ones soon lol xD im not as lean as i usually am im around 11.6 maybe 11.8 been drinking a gallon of whole milk and a box of oats a day along with my 7 meals i dont know what i weight cause i hate weighing myself alot but i know im over 232 ;P which is why im drinking the milk its my secret cheap weight gainer xD
Am i the only one who thinks this is bullshit? Get real will way this is for real. If it is, your dad is a fuckin idiot just like you.

It's either a clever troll attempt or just someone too eager to get on the juice. Either way not a good outcome is predicted.
alright i have made of my mind and am 100% sure this will be what im running im going to run test E tren E Deca and Dbol xD so im adding tren e and switching the cyp to E they have me convinced my dad is in on it to xD which this is my dad he competed all natural and he is alot shorter than me so he isnt as gifted as me ;))) i got my moms height and his genetics + some more leg mass haha xDView attachment 553486View attachment 553487