First cycle, when to post cycle therapy (pct) and how much.

First cycle, when to PCT and how much.

Ok, to start off I am 22 years old, 6'3 165lbs and about 13% bodyfat. My goals are to reach 200lbs and maintain the same amount of bodyfat within two cycles.

I have never ran a cycle before, I am looking to make my first cycle just be 300MG of test E injected 1X a week for 10 weeks. I have read that nova is not required if you are just running a cycle of TEST E but I have also read that its ALWAYS good to post cycle therapy (pct).

The only thing I don't know is how long do you post cycle therapy (pct) for? I haven't been able to find any info that really states how long you take it for, I know that you start 10 days after the last injection of test e but how long will I continue to take it?

The reason I am asking is I haven't ordered my supplies yet and I want to make sure I have everything I need to complete the cycle.. also, A-S for their "beginner" cycle, they recommend dianabol@ 25mg/day for 5 weeks, I can afford either cycle so thats not the issue, I have just read that starting on dianabol isn't useful because test E will be enough, and then when you add test E + diana for cycle 2 that it will work as a compound and work better..

So, any ideas? I am looking to order ASAP because of the long shipping times.
dude, you DO NOT need to cycle at all.... your 6'3'' @ 165lbs getting to 200 pounds will be incredibly easy as long as you have your nutrition and training in check
First off, thank you for your concern.

Second, as for my diet. I eat 6 - 7 meals a day (at least) and my diet consists ONLY of the following foods: peanut butter, cottage cheese, wheat bread (toast), turkey breast, chicken breast, tuna, and any type of fruit if i'm feeling the need for something sweet. If its not listed, I don't eat it, period. I am eating at least 300G of protein a day and probably nearly 4000 calories a day.. I am just having a very hard time putting on weight. I do not eat fast foods, I do not eat frozen foods.. and I just eat eat eat all day.

On a side note, who cares if I want to enhance my ability to obtain gains? Isn't this why we are all here, I am simply asking a question regarding PCT.. I go to the gym 7 days a week.. I practically live there literally, the apt complex where I live has a very nice gym.. then again my rent is $1800/mo ;( ..

The reason I think I wasn't gaining weight before is I'm diabetic type 1 and I have finally just started taking insulin.. so I am starting to see some gains after taking the insulin


Back to the topic of PCT, how much and for how long? Thanks.
thank you sir. I just wanted to make sure I ordered enough for my post cycle therapy (pct) :)) 10X

What about the DIANABOL.. useless for now? I assume so.
SleepingGiant: if you couldn't gain weight because you were diabetic then fine. Problem solved. Now gain some mass BEFORE even looking at the insulin.

And if you are lifting 7 days/week, then you aren't training with enough intensity.

You are doing free-weight squats and deads and bench, right?
Mranak: Perhaps I'm not getting enough intensity in, i'll get a personal trainer to kick my ass and make sure i'm doing enough, I am doing mostly free weights, but I think I am actually overworking the muscles to the point they aren't growing.. because I know I go in there every day like a fiend, hit 2 spots a day and cycle them.

I also run 3 miles a day so that may be a reason i'm not gaining weight.. either way I don't want to gain fat just muscle.
I'm gonna start by saying I agree with the other guys, MilksDaCow is right. A couple of things I noticed your doing wrong. First off, No more training 7 days a week your not leaving enough time for recovery. I don't care how muscle specific your workouts are I wouldn't recommend anything over 5-6 days a week 45min-90min a day. If u don't get it done in that time frame your not using ur time right. Second, I see no supplementation. I would recommend at least a creatine or something post workout for recovery as well as a basic multivitamin. .Third, You have no vegtebales in your already weak diet. Your 6'3 165lbs, fuck all that clean stuff your eating you need meat, potatoes, greens. At this point it doesn't matter u need sheer weight. I used to do the same thing believe me I was so fing sick of tuna at one point. Main thing I see from your posts is your in a hurry and getting bigger doesn't happen overnight. Get some solid nutritional and workout habits first and u will start to see results in a matter of weeks. If your still dead set on using some gear right now then u ought to read some of the sticky's and threads in the newbie and classics section. They Go over everything from cycling, eating, training, and yes post cycle therapy (pct). Best of luck, I hope u wait a bit.

The Gym Rat
I guess I am just afraid to eat bad shit becuase I used to be 240LBS and like 20% bodyfat.. getting to 13% and 165lbs took me a very long time.. so I realize it takes time to get results.. I think my goals have changed now that I have reached this size.. I am just too tiny.. but now no matter how much I eat I can't seem to gain weight

I will cut back to 5 days a week. I didn't mention suppliments but I am taking creatine caps, creatine powder, glutamine powder, muscle and weight gainer, some energy stuff.. called fuel injection V12 and liquid amino acids, taking multivitamins every day and vitamin c b12 niacin and melatonin to help me sleep.. I know I am probably missing some vitamins in there or supps that I should be taking, but I am doing this alone w/o a partner so I really don't know everything I should be doing.
Actually I think there may be something wrong with me.. you never really think about it untill you write it out, but this is bollox.. I am doing way too much work to not see results.. I think its time to go to the dr for a physical.. I haven't EVER had one.. probably a good idea.
I am definitely going to hold off on the cycle untill I see the doctor.. no point if there is an underlying problem on why i'm not gaining, i don't think steroids will help.. could hurt the problem more.
Keep it basic, I'm now 6'2 195lbs which I am up about 30 lbs over the last year and a half. I eat alot, train hard, get plenty of rest and just use basic supps. I take 2 protein shakes a day just the cheap ass whey they sell at walmart with 8oz of milk which adds another 16g of protien, I take cellmass immediately after my work out on an empty stomach and wait half an hour before I eat anything else. I take a basic multivitamin every morning and a scoop of sirius mass every night just to help with overall calories. Eat a couple big meals a day, but don't forget that your body can only absorb b/w 40-50 grams of protien an hour so split your intake up. snack on fruits and veggies throughout the day to keep your metabolism up turning fat into muscle. I don't know it all but the basics have worked for me and I know this is the way to go because I made the mistake of trying a cycle when I was at your size. Lost all my gains because the proper diet and training weren't in place. If u have any questions post them up on the boards the vets are extremely helpful and just be patient it takes time but once you start seeing results it will be worth the wait.

The Gym Rat
at 7 days a week your either over training and not letting yourself rest, or not training hard enough every day, i had the same problem, 5,11, 155lbs and training 6 days a week. after being convinced to go 4 days a week after about 3 months im at 175

give it a try... 4 days a week heavy compound lifts with some smaller lifts occasionally
SleepingGiant said:
I guess I am just afraid to eat bad shit becuase I used to be 240LBS and like 20% bodyfat.. getting to 13% and 165lbs took me a very long time.. so I realize it takes time to get results.. I think my goals have changed now that I have reached this size.. I am just too tiny.. but now no matter how much I eat I can't seem to gain weight.
You did a great job losing weight. I am sympathize.

I was what I considered overweight. 5'10" 170 pounds. lol. So I restricted my calories and got down to < 150 lbs. I felt good about myself because it took sacrifice and I ignored everyone else that said I looked like shit.

I finally woke up and realized the truth. I hit the gym and I started to eat like mad. No steroids. Weight went up 50 pounds. Lots of compliments were given.

And now I'm literally in the same trap. I started using gear but I've refused to eat more over the past 1-2 years because I don't want to get fat. And it doesn't matter how much gear I use; I'm not going to gain that mass unless I learn to eat more.

Now you are very lightweight so I'll tell you the truth. If you use gear right now, you will get amazing results because you are go small. You will blow up. And you know what will happen post cycle? You will loose all of it! And you are going to be mad frustrated about that.

That personal trainer is a good idea. Only problem is that 99% of personal trainers suck. So get a good one, like pullinbig .. he does online training. And he knows his shit. But that's what you'd expect from a guy that can deadlift 700-800 pounds.
SleepingGiant said:
I am definitely going to hold off on the cycle untill I see the doctor.. no point if there is an underlying problem on why i'm not gaining, i don't think steroids will help.. could hurt the problem more.

very wise decision
yeah thats awesome i really think if i get a good plan down i will be set, knowing how much to lift and what and how often.. will definitely help.. I will pm pullinbig and see what he says... I am probably not ready until I really can see some natty gains and have it under control.. also want to hit the doctor up.. but i think iw ill go ahead and purchase now just so i don't have to wait for it later.

if i do decide to go test E how can I keep a good portion of my gains on PCT.., and why would it matter so much now more than later, as long as i keep my diet up (minus the crap) and keep the training the same as when i was on test e

also, repped all of you, thakns for ur time!! :rockband:
Forgot to mention, I'm working as a personal trainer at my local golds so if you need any advise on workouts, muscle group breakdowns, supplementation whatever lemme know and post up some pics if u can, that way I can let u know what I would work more.

The Gym Rat