Firstly let me start of by saying how informative the Stickys are on the website, they are in great details for those who are unsure whether to take AAS or not.
I feel i am going to fall into the 'annoying newbie catergory' with my question, as i have done great research and have been told by many that the idea is frankly not worth the money and time etc.
I am 19 currently have 13% bodyfat, and am looking to cut a little bit more. I have been going to the regularly since i was 17. I realise one should have reached their natural peak through diet and training, after this critieria is fulfilled one should not take AAS until roughly 23-24 if considering it, given the fact that my Test levels are at my peak given my age. I also take on board the fact that, my growth plates may very well have not fully developed and that steroids can be detrimental to this. I also know that i should be taking Test only for a first cycle. However me being very nieve cannot take on this warning and am continuing anyway, i know i am extremely stupid and ignorant however this is my cource of action.
I have 1000mg of Winistrol, and will be taking 20-30 mg per day untill i finish my dose. I am going to buy Clomid and Nolvadex for my PCT. My question is that if Joint pain occurs, which it probably will, should i take Cod liver oil to help with the pain. Secondly should Milk thistle be taken during or post cycle, I have done extensive research however have found contradicting opinions on whether to take it during or after, as many have said it decreaces the effectiveness of the AAS. Should i stay on the safe side, or maximize my effects from the winistrol.
My aims are only to increace slightly in strength, and get that cut look regardless of whether it is temporary.
I realise i am another frankly stupid, teenager that is falling into the section of nieve steroid abuser but it is something i have made my mind up about, so as I am sure i will be getting grilled by many, if not all of you for my post, age and the fact i am doing a Winstrol (winny) only oral cycle, i would appreciate any insight you could give me into my question, so I could be as safe as possible whilst on the Winistrol. I realise the safest thing to do would be to try and achieve the results naturally however i am narrow minded and have made my mind up.
Thank you in advance.
I feel i am going to fall into the 'annoying newbie catergory' with my question, as i have done great research and have been told by many that the idea is frankly not worth the money and time etc.
I am 19 currently have 13% bodyfat, and am looking to cut a little bit more. I have been going to the regularly since i was 17. I realise one should have reached their natural peak through diet and training, after this critieria is fulfilled one should not take AAS until roughly 23-24 if considering it, given the fact that my Test levels are at my peak given my age. I also take on board the fact that, my growth plates may very well have not fully developed and that steroids can be detrimental to this. I also know that i should be taking Test only for a first cycle. However me being very nieve cannot take on this warning and am continuing anyway, i know i am extremely stupid and ignorant however this is my cource of action.
I have 1000mg of Winistrol, and will be taking 20-30 mg per day untill i finish my dose. I am going to buy Clomid and Nolvadex for my PCT. My question is that if Joint pain occurs, which it probably will, should i take Cod liver oil to help with the pain. Secondly should Milk thistle be taken during or post cycle, I have done extensive research however have found contradicting opinions on whether to take it during or after, as many have said it decreaces the effectiveness of the AAS. Should i stay on the safe side, or maximize my effects from the winistrol.
My aims are only to increace slightly in strength, and get that cut look regardless of whether it is temporary.
I realise i am another frankly stupid, teenager that is falling into the section of nieve steroid abuser but it is something i have made my mind up about, so as I am sure i will be getting grilled by many, if not all of you for my post, age and the fact i am doing a Winstrol (winny) only oral cycle, i would appreciate any insight you could give me into my question, so I could be as safe as possible whilst on the Winistrol. I realise the safest thing to do would be to try and achieve the results naturally however i am narrow minded and have made my mind up.
Thank you in advance.