First Cycle - Winny 50mg

You're not going to get any stronger only running Winstrol (winny). doubt you'll notice any differences in strength and you'll get some nice joint pain, hair loss, increase in bad cholestrol/decrease in good cholestrol and a good smash to your blood lipids. If that sounds good to you...all yours.

Should always run test as a base to ANY cycle, and you should be running test only for your first cycle.

Week 1-12 Test e/c 500mg a week(split into two pins a week)

Run adex .25mg eod (or as needed)

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
1. you don't start another Winstrol (winny) cycle after this one so the answer is never.
2. for a test e/c cycle you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) e.g armidex .5mg eod or aromasin 12.5mg ed adjusting both to what is required. post cycle therapy (pct) clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 20/20/20/20 combo or just clomid.
3. next cycle should be 500mg per week test e/c. you should of started with this.
Thanks. I meant how long after this cycle would you wait to do another cycle in general, and what would you do for PCT for this cycle.

Hmm good question for I'd never run a half assed, stupid, waste of a cycle, and neither should anyone else!!! There's your Anwser when to start post cycle therapy (pct). Winstrol (winny) with anything sucks, unless using it for pre comp because the dried up effect you get from it goes away as soon as your done. I'll never run Winstrol (winny) with anything, let alone by its lonesome. Be smart bro. This should not even be considered a cycle for anyone unless you have a vagina.