First cycle woes


New member
Been training naturally since I was 18 starting at 145lbs, Turned 21 a few months ago, standing at:

5'10.5 55" shoulders 32" waist
13% body fat.

Dedicated 100% it has consumed my life.

Diet is around 4000 calories at a slow rate bulk about .5 lbs every 2 weeks to keep body fat from excelling. High Protein, moderate Fat and High Carbs.

Now, I have been on the edge of cycling for a bout a year now, since then I have gained another 15 lbs naturally. It's kept me happy. But I want more. 15 lbs of LEAN MASS. "physique class/old school type build" is what my goal is. Competing is an aspiration.

Been doing a lot of talking to the regulars at the gym. Trying to get me on a huge first cycle, Test E, Tren and Dbol. It's not what I want. What I have figured is, Test E would be a good compound to use for a first cycle (low dose/staggered 12 weeks~) to figure out how I respond, I might just need that and be happy with it.

What would you guys recommend?


-5'10 200lbs mesomorph.
-training for close to 3 years +50lbs gained.
-want at least 15 lbs of lean mass.
-competing in a few years is an idea.
-not much experience with steroids.

any help would be appreciated guys.
Ive been studying first cycles for a minute here this is what I got. 12 weeks of test c or e at 500mgs split in two 250mg shots mon thurs.For Aromatase inhibitor (AI) have arimidex at.5mg eod for post cycle therapy (pct) clomid 50/50/50/50 aromasin 12.5mg ed or more if needed.ya buddy!!Your still kinda young homeboy!!
Ive been studying first cycles for a minute here this is what I got. 12 weeks of test c or e at 500mgs split in two 250mg shots mon thurs.For Aromatase inhibitor (AI) have arimidex at.5mg eod for post cycle therapy (pct) clomid 50/50/50/50 aromasin 12.5mg ed or more if needed.ya buddy!!Your still kinda young homeboy!!

Thanks bro. Yeah that's what I had in mind.

I know, 21 is still young. I've given my self 1 more year to "bulk" to 220 naturally. Running a cycle isn't set it stone I'm still far away from purchasing it. I want to knead out all the kinks before I plunge.

But I'm getting antsy you know?

Training/dedicated as hell but not reaping the awards I feel I deserve. A lot of guys on here would probably agree with that.
21 is a bit young, I'd wait a couple more years but if if you are dead set on doing a cycle now, then stick to a simple one.

1-12 Test e or c @ 500mg per week
you may use a kickstart like dbol but its not needed for a first cycle.
if you do want to use it:
1-4 dbol @ 20-30mg ed
1-pct start, adex at .5mg eod or ed(you will have to find out what dose works for you. bloodwork is the best way to do this)

Pct starts two weeks after last test injection:

clomid 100/75/50/50
aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5
Thanks bro. Yeah that's what I had in mind.

I know, 21 is still young. I've given my self 1 more year to "bulk" to 220 naturally. Running a cycle isn't set it stone I'm still far away from purchasing it. I want to knead out all the kinks before I plunge.

But I'm getting antsy you know?

Training/dedicated as hell but not reaping the awards I feel I deserve. A lot of guys on here would probably agree with that.

you sound like a smart guy nothing wrong with waiting.The gear aint going anywhere.