First cycle


New member
Test C 500mg week split two shots
have letro on hand incase gyno starts to accure.

im 23 195lbs bodyfat is 12-13%

i started on the 10th.

Week 1- first injection into my bicep hurt for 2 days after but not to bad just a sore feeling. second injection into shoulder went good no pain at all. i started to feel a little more energy as the week started to end.

Week 2- injection into the other shoulder and other bicep. workouts are going good starting to feel it a little i think my strength is going up a little already.

Im not noticing any water weight realy anymore as i did on the first week im looking alot more fuller (in a good way) and my waist looks smaller. think im loosing some bodyfat. last time i weighted my self i was 200 but that was a few days ago. today is the start of week three ill be injecting at night. If there is any imformation missing that i should put in this log just ask and ill add it.
wendsday injection went ok i did it in my thigh dont like it as much as other spots i have done. workout back today went very well weights went up in everything and had alot of energy.
2 weeks after my last injection ill be doing
PCT. clomid
day 1 300mgs
day 2-11 100mgs ed
day 12-21 50mgs ed
keep the updates coming . i would skip the site injections like bis and stick to larger muscles like butt and thighs for a 1st cycle.
I need help i have done 3 cycles before last cycle was for 6 months test e trem cyp anadr dec 200 i didnt come off the right way went into a very hard depresion stayed in bed for 2 months stoped working out and stopped everything 6months ago getting back want to do it right i have avail trem sus 250 cyp mastro ent arimidex dbal50 hgh nolve clem anadrol b12 35years 210 can someone please put together something for me thanks any help
Reserch start ur own thread and i will help you out big man....
Injected Saturday into bi i think ill start sticking to the butt and thigh or at least try to. workout monday went realy good did shoulders weight went up and my energy feels like it wont run out even after my whole workout i cant do another set cuz im sore but i still have energy.
starting of week 4 now. injection into the butt felt nothing at all. did chest weight went up a little and had great energy. One thing that may be a side effect is im getting head aches now i never realy got any but now i am has any one else experienced this?
Did back and biceps today weights keep increasing and energy is getting alot better. tomoro im going to weigh myself and see were i am. im looking leaner i feel like im not holding much water anymore is this possable?