First cycle


New member
Well I'm on my last week of Sust 250, I began at 165 on 12/27/12 and by the time i went on my first cycle on 9/4/12 I was 170lbs. Now I am 205lbs on 11/12/12.

I haven't visually noticed a change but I physically noticed the change. I cant wear any clothes. Sorry for boxer shots, I needed quad shots.

I plan on doing another cycle in Feb, any tips, pointers, suggestions, critiques welcome. THanks

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Well remember time on equals time off. Feb is a bit soon. Let your Hpta fully recover, and let your body get used to the weight. It is not a race. Figure your cycle total was 16 weeks. Give that amount in between cycles. Which feb clearly is to soon. Remember keep this as safe as possible.
Well remember time on equals time off. Feb is a bit soon. Let your Hpta fully recover, and let your body get used to the weight. It is not a race. Figure your cycle total was 16 weeks. Give that amount in between cycles. Which feb clearly is to soon. Remember keep this as safe as possible.

Got it, I planned for March originally, I guess I'll stick to it.