Ya it's my first cycle so I am a little worried about sides so I am planning to take it a bit light. I do have enough gear to continue on to 12 weeks on test if I want, it will really depend on how I am feeling by week ten. I also just want to do test and no orals for my first cycle, just to be on the safe side for sides.
PCT seems kinda light too....If it were me id get rid of the nolva and do HCGenerate, Forma-stanzol, Phytoserms-347, and if your feeling frisky Osta-sarms and some peptides. Works well for me anyway...
Ya it's my first cycle so I am a little worried about sides so I am planning to take it a bit light. I do have enough gear to continue on to 12 weeks on test if I want, it will really depend on how I am feeling by week ten. I also just want to do test and no orals for my first cycle, just to be on the safe side for sides.
I am about to do a 10 week cycle of test cyp at 400 mg a week, with .25 mg liquidex eod from start of cycle to end of post cycle therapy (pct). PCT 18 days after last injection Clomid 70/35/35/35, Nolva 40/20/20/20 Stats as follows;
Age, 23
Weight 185
Height 5'11
Years training 4
Starting the cycle in a week, and I will keep updates going
Haha ya man we will see how it goes. Just waiting for my Nolva to arrive before I start.