First Dbol cycle


New member
Hey guys, i just got my hands on dbol and have done the research and stuff and just want some advice on what everyone thinks.
I am 5 foot 11, 195 lbs.
I have been lifting and following a routine the past 2 years, go to gym 5-6 times a week for a little over an hour.
I plan on doing (based on what my buddy and what i've read) 20 mg for a week and then 40 mg for the remainder for a total of a month.
hows that sound?
how old are you? 20mg is too little.
dbol cant be taken on its own, your hpta will shut down and result in not only natural test depleting, as well you will lose most if not all your gains when you come off. all oral cycles need to be stacked with a test base. and if this is your first cycle its highly recommended that you start using test on its own first for your first cycle that way you can assess tolerance and figure out whether or not youre prone to any side effects. when running 2 or more compounds at once you will never know whats causing what to go wrong.
that sounds horrible we hear it everyday here oral only cycle are shit do research read the stickys.You need to run test with it and if its your first cycle just test is enough.
and before you consider any of those things i named off above. figure out your post cycle therapy and have all ancillary and SERM on hand before beginning cycle. in the long run you may be thanking yourself on the decision
bundy is right.
you cannot take orals by themselves, you sound like your scared of taking the shot..
if thats the case, man up until you can take the shot or sell everything youve got and consider training without gear
your shuting down you own test production witch is a powerful hormone test is what make men men when your body is not making it your not a man.Inject or dont do gear oral only cycles will put some water weight once your done your back to were u started TEST is king bro do research and dont listen to the guy trying to make loot on u
orals are used simply as kick starts to cycles or bridge between cycle.. do some more research, youre not ready to cycle. if you have any questions feel free to pm me, but for now you need to read more on your own and not from your source
i have done a lot of research, im only lookin to gain like a total of 5 to 10 pounds, so even when i'm done the orals i know i will lose like half of what i gain. and i have read that test levels go back to normal when your off it?
ok bro your not listening so to me that mean your still a young dumb fuck who should go eat more and not fuck with juice till u mature good nite
test levels dont always come back like planned. you clearly arent willing to spend the money to do things right. guys like you give gear a bad name. by all means, go ahead, run your dbol by itself. let us know how it feels when you lose 100% of all gains, if you gain anything because you dont have the slightest clue, its not a miracle pill.
Hey guys, i just got my hands on dbol and have done the research and stuff and just want some advice on what everyone thinks.
I am 5 foot 11, 195 lbs.
I have been lifting and following a routine the past 2 years, go to gym 5-6 times a week for a little over an hour.
I plan on doing (based on what my buddy and what i've read) 20 mg for a week and then 40 mg for the remainder for a total of a month.
hows that sound?

That sounds horrible.

i'm 22, a really don't want to take two things tho, would taking turinabol be better?

22 and wanting roids...hmmm...

ya bro, whats wrong with turinabol?

Nothnig's wrong with turinabol. There's something wrong with you.

whats so bad about taking the orals by themselves?

Do a little research first. ;)

i have done a lot of research, im only lookin to gain like a total of 5 to 10 pounds, so even when i'm done the orals i know i will lose like half of what i gain. and i have read that test levels go back to normal when your off it?

Your research was shallow, you're just wanting an approval for taking tabs.

Please reconsider. 2 years of BB training is very little. Others have 10-15 years before considering roids.

L.E. I just found a topic of a guy who trained for ONE MONTH and wants to juice, so I think you're more entitled than him to juice up. :D
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I hate to be a prick

Im so sorry to divert the conversation of this posr. I hate to be a prick but can someone please answer my question. Im a rookie, and its my first post I cant seem to get any replies.

I just started my first cycle. I just bought some test-c and axio dbol off of a guy who has been on steroids for a while. He seems quite reliable given that he has a pretty good job and I know his details and also because he has been quite approachable and nice.

My issue is that the Axio dbol he sold me is not white on the inside but on the outside looks exactly like it should. Its pink, oval with a line on one side and 'AX' on the other side. It tastes bitter and its hard (does not crush under pressure).

Its supposed to be the old oval Axio product. BUT its not white on the inside its fully pink.

Is it bunk?Or is it real? Or is it a duplicate that might still work?

Please help