First Documented Case of AS induce Toxic Hepatitis


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borrowed this from Jguns on CEM

Androgenic/Anabolic steroid-induced toxic hepatitis.
Stimac D, Miliæ S, Dintinjana RD, Kovac D, Ristiæ S
J Clin Gastroenterol 2002 Oct; 35:350-2
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
Athletes and bodybuilders often misuse androgenic/anabolic steroids. When used in therapeutic doses, these drugs produce clinical jaundice in just a small number of recipients. We present a 26-year-old male bodybuilder who self-administered high doses of androgenic/anabolic steroids that induced liver damage. One month before admission to the hospital, he used testosterone enanthate (500 mg intramuscularly, twice weekly), stanozolol (40 mg/d), and methylandrostenediol (30 mg/d by mouth, for 5 weeks). On admission, his bilirubin level was 470 micromol/L (direct, 360 micromol/L), his aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level was 5,870 IU/L, his alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level was 10,580 IU/L, his alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level was 152 IU/L, his gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase level was 140 IU/L, his albumin level was 27.6 g/L, and his prothrombin time was 29%. During the patient's prolonged hospitalization, multiple tests and liver biopsy were performed, showing only toxic hepatic lesions. The patient was provided with supportive medical treatment. Clinical signs and laboratory findings improved substantially 12 weeks after the patient discontinued androgenic/anabolic steroids. The reasons for presenting this case were the much higher values of AST and ALT levels than reported in other studies, although the values of bilirubin and ALP were similar to those found in the literature. To our knowledge, it is the first case of toxic hepatitis induced by androgenic/anabolic steroids with predominantly hepatocellular necrosis instead of intrahepatic cholestasis.
iced said:
borrowed this from Jguns on CEM

Androgenic/Anabolic steroid-induced toxic hepatitis.
Stimac D, Miliæ S, Dintinjana RD, Kovac D, Ristiæ S
J Clin Gastroenterol 2002 Oct; 35:350-2
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
Athletes and bodybuilders often misuse androgenic/anabolic steroids. When used in therapeutic doses, these drugs produce clinical jaundice in just a small number of recipients. We present a 26-year-old male bodybuilder who self-administered high doses of androgenic/anabolic steroids that induced liver damage. One month before admission to the hospital, he used testosterone enanthate (500 mg intramuscularly, twice weekly), stanozolol (40 mg/d), and methylandrostenediol (30 mg/d by mouth, for 5 weeks).

This is the kind of stuff I talk about and why Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) has a bad reputation--abuse, misguidance/no guidance. This individual was using over 1490mg of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) per week. And the irony is--the orals were the culprits. We know this from basic pharmacology. Reread the first line of the article..the is the main point and problem.
shows you that all precautions should be taken and orals when abused will bite you in the ass. everything in moderation more is not always better.

dbol put me in the er not to long ago. hard lesson learned
5 weeks of 40mg Winstrol (winny) and 30mg of d-ball is hardly abuse...............well over half the guys here run that at least. I also think for this dose to have affected his liver so bad he would have had to had a pre-existing condition............or not a long enough break in between cycles.
and you never know what else he was doing on the side either. Could have been on other drugs/alcohol etc... couple all those with a pre-existing condition and bam... your fakked.
I think much of it is genetic. If it was bound to happen to you eventually, AS will speed up the process. People who never drink and never do drugs get liver failure, kidney failure, etc.
i don't know about first case..i've read some articles about guys getting jaundice just by using Winstrol (winny) at 10mg a day. I doubt that's the first.
Deadlift said:
5 weeks of 40mg Winstrol (winny) and 30mg of d-ball is hardly abuse...............well over half the guys here run that at least. I also think for this dose to have affected his liver so bad he would have had to had a pre-existing condition............or not a long enough break in between cycles.

Thats true. I used 30 mg of dbol for 10 weeks once as an experiment. Blood tests were done 3 months before, during a physical and immediately after with NO unusual readings.

Most reports about liver toxicity of oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) have used AIDS patients who were on orals over a year before they had problems. Plus they were taking a myriad of other experimental drugs to fight the virus. No one knows for sure which drug caused the damage or if it was a result of a weak immune system to begin with.
Some people will be predisposed to these problems. I dont know how many variations of this problem can exist with some kind of way for the doc to know, but some people have fatty tissue surrounding the liver, and supposedly this is a problem.

Anyhow, someone I know died not too long ago from this, and the daughter has the same fatty tissue store around the liver. From time of darkening skin to dropping dead was 2 weeks, when it went it went fast. This person however knew for 2 years they had a problem and never told anyone in the family about it, which made things worse not better.
some people will react diffrently to orals. I got some abdominal distention on dbol before which can be a sign of liver problem. But never got tested. I just go injection for right now. When you talk about injection there is nil to zero percentage of liver damage.