First ever cycle and have chosen Anavar. I am a novice lifter.

Post Cycle Therapy. Read the sticky threads on it. It is done to kick start your HPTA after being shut down. What PCT do your buddies at the gym run? They talked to you about at, right?

I doubt after only taking Anavar for 3 days that My bodies test is shut down. It takes a week or two for this stuff to even start working. You know that is true so why are you telling me to start PCT? Megatraon I know you are here and you have knowledge but to say stuff to freak me out is not going to work with me. If I don't take any more Var I should be fine and even if I did keep taking it, since its my first cycle and have never ever used gear in my life, my test levels would be lowered but I wouldn't have done too much damage to my body compared to a guy who has been abusing gear for years. Lets not freak out and act like Ive been doing this for a long time.
I doubt after only taking Anavar for 3 days that My bodies test is shut down. It takes a week or two for this stuff to even start working. You know that is true so why are you telling me to start PCT? Megatraon I know you are here and you have knowledge but to say stuff to freak me out is not going to work with me. If I don't take any more Var I should be fine and even if I did keep taking it, since its my first cycle and have never ever used gear in my life, my test levels would be lowered but I wouldn't have done too much damage to my body compared to a guy who has been abusing gear for years. Lets not freak out and act like Ive been doing this for a long time.

I am not trying to freak you out. I am trying to help you. Running PCT gives you the best chance of fully recovering.

How do you even know your Var is really Var? It is the most commonly faked steroid out there. There is a very good chance that is was something stronger than Var.

Var (or whatecer was really in the pills) can shut down your HPTA a whole lot faster than two weeks depending on dosage.

If you want to be sure, get blood work. Let's see what your Total Testosterone, LH and FSH are at right now and compare to your pre-cycle baseline results. It will be easy to tell if your HPTA is suppressed or shut down with blood work. Seems worth the ~$50 to me.
Megatron Im just going to make you happy and like I said before Im done with taking Var until I am able to use Test with it. I have been thinking long and hard about this and since IM new anyway to lifting, it is quite silly for me to start getting impatient and thinking gear is the answer. If I continue to eat well and work hard, my body will grow just fine. Gear should be used only when you can't possibly grow any more without its help. I have a long way to go until ever having to worry about that. Plus lets be realistic here, gear is not something to play around with. There are a lot of headaches involved if you start using it. Your body not being able to produce testosterone on its own anymore is a big deal and life changing issue I can tell you that. You better be prepared to be able to have answers and the resources before you even think of starting a cycle. What is going to happen if I was to do this cycle and then I don't have anything for PCT? That would be really smart wouldn't it? As of right now I don't even have test to Im just wasting my time.
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