First Ever Cycle! Input appreciated!


New member

In about 3 weeks I will be starting my first ever cycle. I'm hoping for feed back and am willing to learn if changes are recommended by more experienced guys here!

I've been researching this for a while now and have finally gained a good source and purchased everything I feel I need for my first Test E cycle. Below are my stats, cycle information and further questions I am hoping to get answered. I see alot of people getting slated on here, so please if something looks out of place just politely mention instead of blasting me straight up. Thanks in advance :)


AGE - 25
HEIGHT - 6ft 1"
WEIGHT - 192lbs
BODYFAT 13-15%
LIFTING - 2 years solidly, longer without such strict form and dedication


Weeks 1 - 10 : Test E 500mg in 2 x 250mg pins per week. Monday morning and Thursday afternoon

Weeks 2 - 10 : Proviron 25-50mg per day (depending on body)

Weeks 2 - 10 : Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu x 2 per week

Weeks 2 - 13: Adex 0.5mg EOD adjusted as required by body

Weeks 13-16 : Clomid 100/50/50/50
: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

Training 4 times per week lifting and 2 HIIT sessions per week on non lifting days.

Diet 4000 cals lifting days and 3200-3500cals on rest HIIT training days. Ultra clean diet.

I would like your reviews please and whether you think this is a well considered cycle. I have heard so many conflicting opinions, especially with regard to the need for hcg, but I see it as a necessity and would like to maintain testicular health as much as possible during cycle.

Further questions:

1) Is it possible for me to get a lean and toned physique on test considering I have an ultra clean diet and will be continuing HIIT training? I am looking to acquire mass but I want to combine this with the 'ripped' look as well.

2) Can anyone suggest a good cutting cycle for future reference, ideally one that will shred me up a treat but without disabling my willy haha?!

3) How many of you guys experienced the feeling of 'wellbeing' I so often hear about from people who have done test? I'm really hoping to feel this :)

Anyway that's enough from me, see what you think?

I will also keep a bit of a log here as to how my cycle progresses and my results.
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The basics look good, I would push it to 12 weeks, but 10 is OK
You should run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) so the last pin is 3-4 days before you start PCT. Start at 2 weeks if you have enough, otherwise back calculate on when to start. The end date is more important than the start date.
PCT looks good
Proviron will act as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so I don't think you'll need adex and prov at the same time. I would only use the adex and save the prov, or at least wait until the last month or so and make the switch from one to the other. I wouldn't start with prov because you need to get a baseline sense of how you're reacting to just the test.
Personally, I might add a 30mg/day dbol kick starter for the first 4 weeks, but that's a personal decision. A lot of people will tell you not to do it on your first and just keep it a simple test only cycle.
Make sure that you don't cut right after PCT, you can lose a lot of gains.
Everything looks pretty good and I agree with rumplestiltskin push it up to 12 weeks
Hi Rumpy,

Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely be taking this on board. I think I will start the prov maybe 4-6 weeks in? (I've had some seriously good feedback about this stuff, especially with regard to libido :D) then switch over to adex towards the end of my cycle upto the day before my pct begins, maybe earlier if bloat of gyno type sides become too much of an issue and are not suppressed well by prov.

Thanks for the info about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too, although I read a medical style journal which said the last shot should be taken 2 weeks prior to commencement of pct, but do you think it's best to finish it a few days prior to pct? I don't have money to buy more so will just hold out to start taking it if that is the case.

I'm considering the dbol kickstart too, but wondering if its too obvious im on the gear if i blow up so quickly?!

Does anyone have any input to answer my questions below my cycle information also?
Good stuff posted above. I wouldn't count on provirion to be enough for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but it may be better to wait and see if you get any high estro symptoms before starting the adex. Def have it on hand. It seems you have done your research and laid out a good first cycle. Now its time to eat and grow. Below I will answer your questions.

1) Is it possible for me to get a lean and toned physique on test considering I have an ultra clean diet and will be continuing HIIT training? I am looking to acquire mass but I want to combine this with the 'ripped' look as well.

Yes that will be all dependent on your diet. You may get some bloat from the test but the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should combat that if needed. Just make sure you are very gradually increasing calories as you gain weight to allow enough to grow but not too much to where you pack on fat. Slow and steady is always better from my experience.

2) Can anyone suggest a good cutting cycle for future reference, ideally one that will shred me up a treat but without disabling my willy haha?!

Considering you are a first timer I would look at test at a moderate dose with 6-8wks of anavar and maybe some EC. Right now I wouldn't worry about all that though.

3) How many of you guys experienced the feeling of 'wellbeing' I so often hear about from people who have done test? I'm really hoping to feel this

I definitely feel a general sense of well-being on test so long as my estrogen levels are not too low or way too high. Don't expect it to be anything too crazy though. Its just an overall sense of well-being.
Thanks for the input people.

Meathead - thanks for answering the questions too. I think I will begin with proviron just to ease bloat then switch to adex depending on my body's reaction to the test. I'm not going to go into this cycle with any defined expectations, but just stay focused on diet, training and my rest and all else should fall into place hopefully. Although I wouldn't mind an increase in horniness or libido as a side haha!

I have everything I listed above in decent quantities and to hand so good to go, just waiting until I move into my new crib and finishing uni this week before I get going with the cycle. I'd be most happy with moderate lean gains and ecstatic with large lean gains, but we'll see. What is a good number of months to wait before cutting cycle?

Also you mention EC? Is that same for EQ? for cutting cycle?

Yeah you can def run adex and proviron together if proviron is not enough to control estrogen. EC stands for ephedrine and caffeine.
I would run a dbol kick starter, and no, you will not blow up so fast people will notice. I wish it were that quick and easy. Dbol amortizes into estrogen, so you'll need more Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while using it. I would start with 1/2mg of adex EOD and see how that feels. I would use adex only while on dbol. You don't want to through too many things into the mix right off the bat. Give it 6-8 weeks, so the test levels have peaked and the dbol is out of your system, then add in the prov, at least that way you have some chance of knowing how it's effecting you.

There are several schools of though on how to run HCG, and yes, it can be very confusing with tons of contradictory information. What I laid out earlier is what I do, and it's one of the more popular ways of doing it. It keeps the boys awake while you're on cycle, which helps them recover much faster. If you run it this way, you do want the last pin to be 3-4 days before PCT, not 2 weeks.
Forgot to say, with the dbol, I would start at 20mg for the first few days or week, or until you kind of get a feel for it. I would not jump in with a heavy dose the very first time you use it, you need a little time to adjust to it before you do. Just listen to your body, you'll know what to do. I like to take my full dose pre-workout on gym days, but split it up on off days. For me. I like 40 pre-workout, but I usually only take 20, maybe 30 on off days, mainly to give my liver a little bit of a rest, but this is just what feels good for me. You will want to take liver supplements while on cycle, ALA and NAC seem to be the best, I also use Liv52, everyone says milk thistle is a waste of time.