first IGF LR3 cycle, followed by mk-2866 cycle, can I cycle back and forth for a yr?


New member
Hey guys. To start, im 5'8", 170 lbs, 15% BF%. looking to cut a couple lbs, and gain a little lean mass.
edit: more background... been lifting around 2.5yrs years, 21 yo, avoiding all AAS until AT LEAST 25. I dont want to fuck anything up this young. Decline bench 185x8, 14.5" biceps. I start out at 130 lbs 2.5 yrs ago. Nutrition is good, getting about 130g protein, ~300g carbs, and 120-140g fats per day. I am cutting down the fats, and that number is going to go down. My diet has been a little bit off since I start this job 6 weeks ago, but I am working on it day by day to get it back to where it needs to be.
next, the IGF LR3 cycle.

looking at 1mg of IGF LR3 with cold shipping, 5ml .6% AA, 100 30 Gauge 1cc 5/16" u-100 pin, and alcohol swabs.
Recon 1mg of IGF LR3 with 1ml of AA. This should mean 100 mcg of igf lr3 for each 10 ul, and id need to draw .4 on the pin for 40 mcg.
Im going to preload 25 pins with 40mcg of igf lr3 when its time to start. After preloading them I plan on freezing them in the fridge and taking one out each day.
1 pin pre-wo on days im working out, and in the morning on off days. I cant do it 2 days a week due to traving for work. Taking the 2 off days a week into consideration, this should last around 5 weeks.

when I preload should I backload it with bac water, wait until the day I unfreeze and use it, or just not use bac water? Any other suggestions?

I figure once this is done I will start my mk-2866 cycle.

As for mk-2866, I plan on starting the first week at 15mg ED, and after that first week jump to 25mg ED. I plan on running this for 4 weeks, and then restart IGF LR3.
My plan is to cycle IGF 5 weeks on and then between IGF cycles run a SARM, and repeat this for up to a year. I figure eat at maintenance during IGF LR3 to cut and bulk during the SARM cycle. I would like to repeat this for up to year in hopes of getting the most out of IGF LR3's long term benefits. Do I risk a GH gut from all of this?

Can I get some input from the experts? Did I do the math right? Is there anything I missed or any tips? How do you get over that anxiety over pinning? It is just a subQ inj, but I have always had anxiety over pins. I believe the fear of doing it is much greater then the pain of just doing it.

I probably will not run a log, but could keep people updated from time to time if anyone is interested.
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