First injectable cycle. Sus 250 ,Bold, Anavar


New member
Hi all, been using oral pro hormones for my last few cycles but ive finally decided to take the plunge and go for an injectable cycle now. My starting weight is 12st or 168lb.
This cycle is really supposed to be a bulking one. I was gonna do sus, bold, dbol but because im highly prone to gyno decided to go with the anavar as i have been told im less likely to get gyno using this.

My cycle is;
week 1- 10 sustanon 250mg 1x 1ml amp every monday
week 1-10 boldenone 200mg 1x 1ml every monday
week 1-4 Anavar caps 2 a day 1x am and 1x pm

week 11-14 HCG ( got a 5000iu kit ) Not 100 % on how much to take each week on this. Appreciate any help with this

I was thinking myself of adding some nolva or clomid into my pct but my source has assured me that i probably wont need it. Whats everyones thoughts on this?

Im currently into my second week of this cycle and ive gained 8lb already which is amazing for me. The downside is my gyno is creeping back:thumbsdow. Will i ruin my cycle from running something like arimidex at a low dose throughout or maybe nolva?
I know this has probably been asked a thousand times before but really could do with some help with this.
Any tweaks to the cycle or help will be really appreciated, Cheers.
I hate to be the one to say it, but you should have done a lot more research prior to starting this cycle. I'd definitely add an AI during the cycle and clomid/nolva to your pct, but I'm no expert.

If you already knew you were prone to gyno, why the hell didn't you take precautions to prevent it from happening again? It just doesn't make sense, at all. If I were you, I'd start saving for gyno-surgery because you're probably going to be stuck with it now.

I don't mean to come off as a dick, but sometimes you need to tell it how it is for it to really sink in. Good luck and start reading....
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I havent gone head long into this cycle without research.
Ive gone for a stack which would hopefully not cause any gyno issues. Ive started on very low dosages. If i were to take an AI or such on the cycle it would probably just counteract the effect of the test in the first place as im taking such a small dose. That is why the hell i didnt take precautions while on cycle. Unfortunatley ive found that im extremelly sensitive to gyno and ive started to develope very small amount.

Im definatley going to add nolva in with my pct along with the hcg.
Also going to stop the sustanon and swap it over for masteron instead which doesnt aromatise at all. Hopefully this will halt the gyno production.
Any thoughts on these changes? Good or bad?
I hate to be the one to say it, but you should have done a lot more research prior to starting this cycle. I'd definitely add an AI during the cycle and clomid/nolva to your pct, but I'm no expert.

If you already knew you were prone to gyno, why the hell didn't you take precautions to prevent it from happening again? It just doesn't make sense, at all. If I were you, I'd start saving for gyno-surgery because you're probably going to be stuck with it now.

I don't mean to come off as a dick, but sometimes you need to tell it how it is for it to really sink in. Good luck and start reading....
I hate to be the one to say it but exactly how many cycles have you done ?
Maybe Im after advice from more experienced people on the forum and not another noob on their first cycle too. I have good reasons for my choices of cycle, just like you probably have. Dont mean to be a dick, just sayin.
I hate to be the one to say it but exactly how many cycles have you done ?
Maybe Im after advice from more experienced people on the forum and not another noob on their first cycle too. I have good reasons for my choices of cycle, just like you probably have. Dont mean to be a dick, just sayin.

Like I said in my first post, I'm no expert and yes, I am on my first cycle. That's why I didn't comment on anything other than the gyno part.

Although, I think I'm "experienced" enough to know an AI should be kept on hand just in case, during any cycle. Since you know you are prone to gyno, one would think you would have taken every precaution you could.

I really didn't mean to offend you man and I'm sorry if I did. I hope someone with more knowledge will come in and help get you sorted out. Good Luck!
I havent gone head long into this cycle without research.
Ive gone for a stack which would hopefully not cause any gyno issues. Ive started on very low dosages. If i were to take an AI or such on the cycle it would probably just counteract the effect of the test in the first place as im taking such a small dose. That is why the hell i didnt take precautions while on cycle. Unfortunatley ive found that im extremelly sensitive to gyno and ive started to develope very small amount.

Im definatley going to add nolva in with my pct along with the hcg.
Also going to stop the sustanon and swap it over for masteron instead which doesnt aromatise at all. Hopefully this will halt the gyno production.
Any thoughts on these changes? Good or bad?

If i were to take an AI or such on the cycle it would probably just counteract the effect of the test in the first place as im taking such a small dose.

Can you please elaborate on this? How does the AI counteract the effect of testosterone.

Im definatley going to add nolva in with my pct along with the hcg.]

Why would you want to further suppress your natural LH by taking hCG during PCT? Why not use hCG during your cycle?
Your whole cycle layout is complete shit! Your shooting Sustanon once a week. Wrong! U have no ai. Wrong! You don't have a clue about pct or gear for that matter. Wrong! Then u mentioned your going to stop the Sustanon and replace it with masteron. Wtf!!! That's completely wrong!
U sir have completely fucked up big time! U need some heavy research and shouldn't be messing with gear or prohormones. Stick to protein shakes..
Can you please elaborate on this? How does the AI counteract the effect of testosterone.

Why would you want to further suppress your natural LH by taking hCG during PCT? Why not use hCG during your cycle?

From what Ive read and been told , you need some eastrogen in your system to grow. If i were to take an AI with the small dose of test im taking it would stop eastrogen altogether. Therefore stopping any possible gains. Im under the impression that if i were on a higher dose of test an AI would definately be benificial but on my small dose I wouldnt get any gains.

As for the hcg Ive maybe not explained this correctly. I will be taking it perhaps 2 weeks after my last jab. For most likely 2 weeks Then afterward will be starting pct of nolva or proviron.
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Your whole cycle layout is complete shit! Your shooting Sustanon once a week. Wrong! U have no ai. Wrong! You don't have a clue about pct or gear for that matter. Wrong! Then u mentioned your going to stop the Sustanon and replace it with masteron. Wtf!!! That's completely wrong!
U sir have completely fucked up big time! U need some heavy research and shouldn't be messing with gear or prohormones. Stick to protein shakes..
The sus im using is testonon 250 which im sure you already know is mixture of four different testosterones. The result of these four test is it goes rapidly into your system and remains active for about 3- 4 weeks. Also the fact that im only using 250mg as a starting dose it was easier to just inject it once a week along with the boldenon.
Decided to do a short 10 weeks low dose cycle to see how my body reacts to gear. Trial and error.

As for switching to masteron ,I fully understand the benefit of running an AI on my current cycle but I was advised to do this instead of using the AI during my cycle due to the low dose im on.
So basically im best sticking with my current cycle but just adding the AI in with my cycle to combat the gyno issues. then run the hcg when finished test and bold and then start pct of nolva?

Please remember this is my first cycle and i really dont profess to know much about gear. Ive done alot of research and also working closely with with other people who have used similair stacks in the past. Got to start somewhere, This will be a steep learning curve for me.
U haven't done any research at all! U gotta be the most uneducated person posting right now. It's almost pointless to do 250 mgs of test a week unless your on trt or some other circumstance I'm not getting into. U know what, I'm not even going there. You'll figure it out eventually hahaha
From what Ive read and been told , you need some eastrogen in your system to grow. If i were to take an AI with the small dose of test im taking it would stop eastrogen altogether. Therefore stopping any possible gains. Im under the impression that if i were on a higher dose of test an AI would definately be benificial but on my small dose I wouldnt get any gains.

As for the hcg Ive maybe not explained this correctly. I will be taking it perhaps 2 weeks after my last jab. For most likely 2 weeks Then afterward will be starting pct of nolva or proviron.

I know plenty of guys that get aromatization problems at that dose of test. You need to do blood work and see what your E2 is at. If elevated you will need a low dose of AI. Of course you would take more AI at higher AAS doses. It is a out finding the right equilibrium.

As you said though, the last thing in the world you want to do is crash your E2. So run labs.
I appreciate all the comments on this cycle. I can fully understand why this is seen as a bad cycle. Basically i have gone with some pretty shocking advise from my supplier who had different ideas to mine.
Since discussing putting an AI into this cycle instead of switching the sus with masteron he has basically fallen out with me because he doesnt think I should do that. I now know to never use this guy again, especially for advice.
Im really after some help and advice to salvage what i can from this cycle instead of criticism.

Here is my cycle as it now stands if anyone can point out where i can improve it please? Thinking of ditching the anavar asap as ive only done 4 days on it so far so i can keep it more simple.

week 1- 12 sustanon (testonon 250mg) 1x 1ml amp every monday
week 1-10 boldenone 200mg 1x 1ml every monday
*week 2-5 Anavar caps 2 a day 1x am and 1x pm* ( Should i ditch this ?)
week 13-14 HCG ( got a 5000iu kit ). Probably split into 4 jabs. 2 per week

week 14-16 clomid 40mg per day
week 17-18 clomid 20mg per day

I need to add in an AI through the cycle now to combat the gyno. Any recommendations Arimidex or letro or aromasin? Or would i be better with nolvadex? and dosage throughout ?
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Several things. First cycle should be test only. Drop the boldenone and anavar.

Run 500mg of test per week. Pin 250mg every 3.5 days. This is a tried and true first cycle. Don't shut your HPTA down and then only half-ass the cycle.

You need an AI. .25mg of arimidex every other day would go well with the 500mg of test/week.

Run hCG the whole time up to the time of PCT.

Add Nolva to your PCT. Use Nolva and Clomid together.

Nolva is a SERM, not an AI. Study the differences between SERM's and AI's.
U have been given great info on this thread. It is up to u to take advantage of it. U get criticism cuz there's atleast ten of u that post a crazy first cycle a day. There's good reason for a test only cycle. It's not just for noobs either. I've done plenty of test only cycles. U can really have adverse effects if u go into using gear without any knowledge on it.
Thanks for the help. Gonna try repair this cycle best i can and use it as a lesson learned.
Definately need to find a better supplier in the future instead of some dick who just trying to sell me what he thinks i should take. Thanks again.