First injection of first cycle test e help


New member
My stats 25yo. 6ft 2. 224lbs, 15% bf
I'm a strongman athlete who is competing again in march. Cycle is

Weeks 1-12 Test E 400mg E3D
Weeks 3-12 HCG 500iu on injection day
Arimedex on hand if sides begin to show .5 mg

Pct to start week 14-18
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

How does this look? Are my bases covered? Looking to increase in LbM and will be running E/C alongside in order to help lower bf% a bit more by comp
Do you mean 400 mg Test E per week, or 400 mg E3D? The charts below assume 400 E3D, equivalent to 933 mg/wk. If that's not right we can take a different look.

So, 400 mg E3D with 10 day half life for 12 weeks looks like this:

View attachment 566911

Now, if I shift the curve to the left so we can see the bleed down after last shot it looks like this:

View attachment 566912

On these charts 14mg is equivalent to 100 mg/wk of test cyp, which is roughly equivalent to the 70 mg/wk test that your body naturally produces, so I use it as a target to hit before a PCT might be effective. Truth be told you probably need another half life beyond that for your HPTA to really sense a shortage and start functioning again.

You can see that you don't bleed down to less than 14 mg until week 13-1/2 after stopping in week 8 - i.e. 5-1/2 weeks.

So, you would be better off waiting 5-1/2 weeks to start PCT. Then since you would still be borderline supraphysiological during that week and the next you should bump up your clomid dose for those two weeks. I'd also suggest extending another couple, so your PCT could look like:

PCT starts week 17
Clomid 100/100/50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/40/40/20/20

And again, I don't know if you mean 933 mg/wk Test E, but if you do then arimidex isn't just on hand in case you need it, you'd better take it from the start.
Welcome to the board :wavey:

One comment right off, please get more educated. You need to know all, yes all the side effects of exogenous test. and high and low estrogen When your test rises so does your E2.
An AI is NOT to be held on hand. It is USED to help control, estrogen, specifically the 2nd estrogen.
Welcome to the board :wavey:

One comment right off, please get more educated. You need to know all, yes all the side effects of exogenous test. and high and low estrogen When your test rises so does your E2.
An AI is NOT to be held on hand. It is USED to help control, estrogen, specifically the 2nd estrogen.

Agreed. You dont wait for the problem to show its ugly head, you make sure it doesn't show up by your AI. Your AI should be taken throughout your cycle, and even into PCT.