First ostarine cycle


New member
In a few weeks once all my supps arrive again I will start my first ostarine cycle. Would appreciate any advice you got

Dose: 25mg ed for 8 weeks

Testalensis by aps

Other supps
WPC pre and post workout
Casein before bed
Fish oil morning and night
Multi vitamin in the morning
Glutamine pre and post workout
Creatine monohydrate pre workout
190lb 6ft 20yr old probably about 8-10% body fat at a guess. Will check before I start
Currently a pt and studying to be a nutritionist so all that is in check
Will run a log later when I start. Just want to see if that looks alright to everyone first
25mg for 8 wks is too long at that dose. 15mg for 8 or 20mg for 6 would be my advice. Run the daa and forma while on it. U can go lower than the standard dose for forma. It will last longer and u won't crash you E2.

Diet will be the most important part, it depends what your goals are. I just finished my osta cycle and gained 10lbs in 8 weeks. You will like the pumps you get from it. I am doing a regular pct and DAA. I would recommend getting at least some nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). Good luck man
25mg for 8 wks is too long at that dose. 15mg for 8 or 20mg for 6 would be my advice. Run the daa and forma while on it. U can go lower than the standard dose for forma. It will last longer and u won't crash you E2.

most logs are run at 25mg for 8 weeks. do you think this will cause to much supression?

Diet will be the most important part, it depends what your goals are. I just finished my osta cycle and gained 10lbs in 8 weeks. You will like the pumps you get from it. I am doing a regular pct and DAA. I would recommend getting at least some nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). Good luck man
diet and training are in check. aim would be to bulk but adding as little body fat as possible. 10lb in 8 weeks is a great result man well done. I will have a look into serms only issue is they are illegal and more expensive where im from
Diet will be the most important part, it depends what your goals are. I just finished my osta cycle and gained 10lbs in 8 weeks. You will like the pumps you get from it. I am doing a regular pct and DAA. I would recommend getting at least some nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). Good luck man

Lol. 10 lbs in 8 weeks. Yea ok. Unless you mean 3 pounds of muscle and 7 pounds of fat then sure. Post pics of ur 8 week ostarine 10lb gain lmfao
25mg for 8 wks is too long at that dose. 15mg for 8 or 20mg for 6 would be my advice. Run the daa and forma while on it. U can go lower than the standard dose for forma. It will last longer and u won't crash you E2.


Diet will be the most important part, it depends what your goals are. I just finished my osta cycle and gained 10lbs in 8 weeks. You will like the pumps you get from it. I am doing a regular pct and DAA. I would recommend getting at least some nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). Good luck man

Do you guys think I'd be better off doing a 6 week cycle at 20mg? Doing that dose I've got enough on me to do a cycle later on in the year as well