First Test E/SARM Bridge cycle


New member
I made a sample cycle let me know what you guys think, I still have a lot to look over but I need a general layout. I'll add some comments on things I have a question on.

WEEKS 1-10

Pin x2 week 250-300mg rotating injection locations each pin, don’t pin the same location to prevent scar tissue

Question: Is there a preference between Test E in a vial/ampule?

Start Arimidex .25 EOD when side effects start increase if still feeling symptoms such as water retention, bloating, puffy nipples, gyno, etc.

Weeks 10-12

Break before PCT because of TEST E is a long ester and has a longer half-life

During this period I should not take anything really besides the basics(creatine, multi, fats, etc.) correct?

Weeks 12-16

Clomid 50/50/25/25


WEEKS 16-24

Ostarine + LGD/GW/RAD

I decided to add a 8 week SARM cycle to it but did not include S4 since I do not like the sides with it. If you had to combine Ostarine with another SARM what would you combine it with?

Weeks 24-28

Alphamax XT

I read a lot of mixed comments of the necessity of a PCT protocol for SARMS. Most of what I got is that it is suppressive and does not shut down your HPTA, so I thought something small would suffice.

OFF period before next cycle Weeks 28-31

DAA + Water retention diuretic

I got this cycle layout from another forums moderator and just tweaked some things. Let me know what you think or any concerns/comments.
A couple things don't make much sense.

After the 10 weeks you have two weeks off, then PCT. If you were taking 600 mg/wk that's about two ten day half lives for enanthate, so you'll go 600>300>150. It will be another 10 days to go 150>75 at which time your body "might" start thinking about making test again. So first 10 days of PCT would be useless, and you'd have 20 more days to restart.

Then week 16 to 25 starting SARMS, wtf? You just PCT'd to get your natural test started and wham, immediate start something that will shut it down again. Doesn't make any sense at all.

Waiting for sides to show up to start AI? Do you read much of the ongoing commentary on this site?
I'll chime in on the sarms gw 50 would work perfect. I'm using the gw50 osta stack right now and love it.

SARMSSEARCH has really good ********. I'd recommend using them if you do go the sarms route.

Good luck.