first peptide cycle for injury/ illness


New member
Ok, I have been reading up on the forums for a few months and am thinking peptides may be able to help get me back to my normal health. I am 28, 5'9 and 180 lbs, ~14-15% BF. I have been lifting for about 8 years. I live at high elevation and ski in extremes competitions. The last few years have been really rough on my body. I have a leg injury (damage to the tendon running down the outside of the leg apparently. They have had a hard time figuring it out even with MRI's) I have done multiple rounds of PT with on again/ off again success. But no matter what a month into the season the pain comes back, slowly getting worse. To top it off i ended up with pneumonia and mono last season! Needless to say I am very happy to be back to lifting and trying to get back to my norm for ski season. I am currently planning on running the following:

8 weeks IGF1LR3 20mcg ed
8 weeks TB 500 1.5 mg/ week (do i need to take a high dose to load up at the beginning?)
12 weeks GHRP 2 100mcg 2x ED

Bottom line is I want to get back my strength and endurance, for my sport I have to stay flexible, and fairly light, but need good muscle to keep help protect my joints. I am open to any suggestions/ alterations to this plan. Finances are not great, but I am willing to do what it takes to get back to my normal lifestyle. Thanks for any help guys!
I'd bump the tb500 to 5 mg/week for 8 weeks then maintain it at your dose for a couple more months also throw on mod grf at 100 MCG with the ghrp.

Inject the igf close to the injuries area.
I was thinking of running the IGF subq due to the injury location. There really isn't much muscle or fat to inject im b/c its the side of the leg right above the outside ankle. I'll def up the TB500. Is there a particular reason you recommend the MOD GRF over other GHRH's? Thanks!
You can inject it subq at the ankle. Mod grf has a half life of 30 minutes just enough time to reach the brain and do its magic.
what do you think of cjc 1295 NO DAC in place of the MOD GRF? Since they can both be used for sight specific injections and are hormone release hormones would it be a good alternative? The 1295 seems to be more readily available. Let me know if I am missing somthing as I am still totally new to the world of peptides. Thanks!
Ghrh's can be injected any where but their receptors are in the hypothalamus. Not sure what your saying by site specific injections? Mod grf and CJC 1295 no DAC are pretty much the same so yes they are interchangeable.
Thanks for the advice. I am really hopeful that the cycle helps the healing process for my leg! I t hought i had read somewhere that the ghrh's could be more beneficial if site injected. But what you are saying about the receptors makes sense. seems it would be easiest to just inject subq in the stomach for everything but the tb500 and igf.