First peptide cycle really low key

big bangs

New member
Here`s what I plan on doing, correct me if I'm wrong BTW this is for bulking:

As soon as I wake up: pin cjc1295 (no Dac) 50mcg along with Ipamorelin 50mcg (does order matter? I assume the cjc first as to get stimulating going)

Post workout: same

before bed:same

What type of diet restrictions should I be going for? Even when Im bulking I keep fat to the absolute minimum but what about carbs and other meals surrounding pin times and just in general? Do I have to pin this way e/d or can I pin 2x a week (mon and thurs lets say?)
as far as drawing it: I have 2mg of each. If I put 2ml of bad water in each vial, and use an insulin syringe marked .1 .2 .3…….to 1.0, how far do I draw up to get 50 mcg.
Sorry Im new to peps been researching constantly lol
I would save your peptides and research proper ways of using them. You're just going to waste them with the cycle you've planned.

A quick search through the forum would show that you have some issues going on
I would save your peptides and research proper ways of using them. You're just going to waste them with the cycle you've planned.

A quick search through the forum would show that you have some issues going on

i realize the doses are low but can you please tell me the flaws and some input I've done a lot of research myself. Now I'm just trying to clarify.
Your stack of a GHRH and GHRP look fine. 50mcg is on the low side as most go for around 100mcg. Typical dosing is anywhere between 1-5 times a day everyday.

I see nothing wrong with starting off with a low dose and then seeing how it goes. Then adjust up or down accordingly. There is no right or wrong answer. It depends what you want to get out of it and you won't know until you try.

Read the link in the prior post and it should help as a good guideline to get started. Hope this helps.

Take care,
Your stack of a GHRH and GHRP look fine. 50mcg is on the low side as most go for around 100mcg. Typical dosing is anywhere between 1-5 times a day everyday.

I see nothing wrong with starting off with a low dose and then seeing how it goes. Then adjust up or down accordingly. There is no right or wrong answer. It depends what you want to get out of it and you won't know until you try.

Read the link in the prior post and it should help as a good guideline to get started. Hope this helps.

Take care,
Thanks man! If you could answer one more question that'd be great. How should my diet be? (not talking about the 30 min around pins) Should I lower my already low fats, lower carbs, increase anything?
Another thing is will use at these dosages stop my natty gh production like an aas cycle?

Thanks man!
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To me diet depends on your goals. Example most in here try to take peptides and the like on empty stomach because they are trying to loose fat (the 30 min thing your talking about). For me I focus more on strength activities. So I eat all the time and never have an empty stomach.

On that note peptides and the like seem to be effective. So all the low carb stuff / 30 mins stuff to me is BS. Plus carbs stay in your system a long time. (unless it is pure junk like soda).

So it depends what your goals are. If you want to see just what changes the peptides do then don't change anything and only add in your GHRH/GHRP and see where it takes you. For me it is nothing magical or even close to AAS. But it has health benefits like my tendonitis is better, sleep is usually a little better, etc. Those little things add up over time, but nothing overnight. Hope that helps.

Take care,