First PH cycle - Super DMZ?


New member
Hey guys,

19yr old college student here who is new to the forum. Currently finishing up a 6wk @ 25mg ostarine cycle. Gonna wait til next fall after I turn 20 to do anything again. I was thinking of running a PH. Would super DMZ be a good choice?
I think you are still too young personally, I didn't run anything until I was 27, but if you decide to do it DMZ is not the strongest but closer to that than the weakest. I think something like Pmag, Hdrol, or possibly Epistane would be a better choice for a first PH cycle. You should also run a test base if you do anything. 11oxo if you can find it is also an extremely mild PH with no sides but it needs to be ran at a high dose to have a PH like effect. Just some ideas for you but I would still hold off awhile, get some natty test boosters or do something to increase your natural production unless you have diagnosed symptoms of Low test levels. My test levels were in the high 900s until I was 26, where they dipped to the low 900s lol.
Ive never been tested but Id assume my levels are pretty good. I just pretty much study and lift though. Im really busy with my double major so i don't have time to party and shit, and I'm totally ok with that. I figured PHs could let me pack on a shit ton of muscle, as id eventually like to compete.