First Ph run need help on PCT


New member
Hey guys I'm 21, 5 foot 7 157lbs. I've been lifting for 2 and a half years and just bought a ph stack. I'm going to do my first ph cycle using M-Sten (Methylstenbolone), along with blockade for cycle support. As for a post cycle therapy (pct), I bought ArimePCT stage5. A lot of the reviews say its a very good product. But would I also need to buy Nolva or Clomid for a post cycle therapy (pct)? My diet and workouts are in check. I know I have to run the cycle for 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks on post cycle therapy (pct), but I mostly need help with the pct as I've heard some horror stories about not doing pct correctly. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I like dylans pct bro it'll attack pct from multiple angle and really help towards recovery, adding osatrine is a nice touch too as itll help preserve your muscle and add to gains.
You definitely want to do pct correctly. Dylan lays out the most extensive and thorough pct's I've seen. The hcgenerate and T boosting stack will help your hormones recover quickly which is important to maintaining gains. Also, the addition of ostarine will really help keep the post cycle fat down and help maintain the muscle you worked so hard for on cycle
If you read around online you will find some great stuff for pct. For PCT you would want to run nolvadex or clomid (research grade and not the supplement ones) and I would recommend running a test booster such as DAA (3g/day) with it. That is all about it. Keep it simple. Also I will say this again....You do not want to run osta or S4 during your PCT or after your cycle for a while because they shut you down...they are blood works on RX....osta and s4 are effect your test level like a mild PH.
If you read around online you will find some great stuff for pct. For PCT you would want to run nolvadex or clomid (research grade and not the supplement ones) and I would recommend running a test booster such as DAA (3g/day) with it. That is all about it. Keep it simple. Also I will say this again....You do not want to run osta or S4 during your PCT or after your cycle for a while because they shut you down...they are blood works on RX....osta and s4 are effect your test level like a mild PH.

This. Keep ostarine out of your PCT.

Also, clomid+tbooster+cort control will be good. You don't have to throw everything AND the kitchen sink into it.

Fadogia (1.5g daily)
Evomuse absolutely abliterated OR evomuse abliterate ammo

Formestane (BPS formasurge OR black lion research formeron)